

So, what’s new? It’s been quite slow and quiet for me these past few days. I have nothing much to write about really. Oh, I did see The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The grin was plastered on my face throughout the entire movie. I thought it was really funny. Martin Freeman was great. I already thought he was fabulous as Tim in The Office (the original BBC series) and as John in Love Actually, I just thought he was adorable as Arthur Dent. Alan Rickman was the voice of Marvin, the manically-depressed robot. Every time he uttered a word, he would have me in stitches! I’m not a purist when it comes to the book, I haven’t really quite finished reading it (LOL), but I liked what I saw, so I definitely recommend this movie.

I get an opportunity to serve in a short-term mission work this summer! It will only be for a week. I’m quite excited about this, and I ask for prayers in regards to this. The team that I’ll be going with (Babie, Mike, Katzy, Grace, April and Jeremy) will be helping out a church-plant in an inner city in South Los Angeles.

Has anyone seen the trailers to the last installment of Star Wars? I just saw a clip of Anakin and Obi-wan’s light-saber fight this morning on Regis & Kelly, and man, it was incredible! I just hope the entire movie will not be as lame as the last one. I’m feelin’ the geek comin’ out, I know. :-P LOL

We’ve been having ceiling issues for the past 2 days now here at work. The air conditioning unit has been causing a leak in front of 2 studios. This school is slowly falling apart in front of my very eyes. We need an extreme makeover, pronto!