

Gah! I’m still up! Just got home from hanging out with Mel and Ate Marnee, watching Hornblower at Mel’s. Had some chicken teriyaki bowl for dinner earlier tonight - yum.

OK. I’m going to get my zzz’s. Can’t keep my eyes open anymore. G’night.


A recap.

Thought I’d post a recap of my day…

Well, I spent most of the day with friends (Blessing and Nica) in Beverly Hills, to give Nica a tour of Rodeo Drive. She just recently arrived from the Philippines and hasn’t done much of the L.A. thing since she got here, so we brought her along with us (we were going to the Fashion District on Santee to do some shopping). We did the “tourist” thing and took pictures and basically just walked around. We ended up at Neiman Marcus to browse around and I ended up getting my makeup done for free by a Shu Uemura makeup artist. Bought a couple of things and ended up kicking myself afterwards.

We drove to Santee to walk around and shop, but I came up empty-handed, while Blessing ended up buying a pair of black high-heels and Nica buying a belt. Walked some more after that, and somewhat got lost and couldn’t find where we parked the car. I was a getting a little frustrated because I couldn’t remember where we parked the car, and the heat wasn’t really helping me remember.

I’m completely knackered, all that walking around in the heat can drain you. But you know what? I’d do it all over again.

On a completely unrelated topic, I saw Revenge of the Sith a second time the evening after I had seen the midnight show. I have a feeling that would not be the last time I would see that movie.


May the Force be with you…

Man, I am tired! T-I-R-E-D. Got back home around 3:30 a.m. after watching Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith last night. The movie was not as intense as I had expected, but I was very happy with it. The crowd in the theatre could've been more enthusiastic however. I wanted a lot of cheering and applause. That's the reason why I wanted to go to a midnight show because, supposedly, that's when all the hard-core fans go, and they usually make the movie-going experience incredibly enjoyable. That's how it was when I saw Star Wars Episode I and II and all 3 Lord of the Rings movies. Everyone was cheering and yelling and applauding! Anyway, that a little disappointing.

A lot of notable moments in the movie. Okay, that's it. I'm not saying anything else, so as not to spoil it for others. ;)

I'll give it a 3 out of 5 stars.


The force is getting stronger…

It's official. I'm going to see the Wednesday midnight showing of Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Excellent. Yeah, like I would pass that up. ;)



Just when you thought you’ve finally gotten away, you get sucked right back in…. ARGH!

Someone get me some hot water!

Oh man, there’s no hot water! I had to take a shower with cold water today. Man, oh man, that wasn’t too fun.

I should be getting ready for work now. Blah. It looks so gloomy outside, don’t feel like going anywhere today. *sigh*

Stars Wars movies for the next 96 years?

This is too funny…

Lucas Strikes Back - 32 Additional Star Wars Movies Announced



10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil…17and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,
- Ephesians 6:10,11,17 ESV

One of my pet-peeves - Starbucks drive-thru getting my drink order wrong. Especially, if I had slowly, and carefully given them my order. Iced-(pause)-venti (pause)-non-fat (pause)-caramel (pause)-mocha, enunciating each word, everytime! And what’s worse is that they don’t apologize for getting my drink wrong! I don’t mind them getting my order wrong, but at least apologize for it! *sigh* Yes, I know, I get persnickety when it comes to this, you know how much I love my coffee! LOL

I’ve been getting an average of about 8 hours sleep every night, these past few nights, and yet I still wake up feeling very tired. I don’t know why that is. My sleep cycle is completely messed up. I need a holiday!

Just read a review on the upcoming final installment to the Star Wars saga, and I have to say, the inner geek is jumping up and down. It’s been getting great reviews and they say that it will more than make up for the past 2 installments that we’ve had so far (no more Jar-Jar Binks and whiney Anakin).

Summer movie list:
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
- Crash
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
- War of the Worlds
- Batman Begins
- Fantastic Four
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- The Island



So, what’s new? It’s been quite slow and quiet for me these past few days. I have nothing much to write about really. Oh, I did see The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The grin was plastered on my face throughout the entire movie. I thought it was really funny. Martin Freeman was great. I already thought he was fabulous as Tim in The Office (the original BBC series) and as John in Love Actually, I just thought he was adorable as Arthur Dent. Alan Rickman was the voice of Marvin, the manically-depressed robot. Every time he uttered a word, he would have me in stitches! I’m not a purist when it comes to the book, I haven’t really quite finished reading it (LOL), but I liked what I saw, so I definitely recommend this movie.

I get an opportunity to serve in a short-term mission work this summer! It will only be for a week. I’m quite excited about this, and I ask for prayers in regards to this. The team that I’ll be going with (Babie, Mike, Katzy, Grace, April and Jeremy) will be helping out a church-plant in an inner city in South Los Angeles.

Has anyone seen the trailers to the last installment of Star Wars? I just saw a clip of Anakin and Obi-wan’s light-saber fight this morning on Regis & Kelly, and man, it was incredible! I just hope the entire movie will not be as lame as the last one. I’m feelin’ the geek comin’ out, I know. :-P LOL

We’ve been having ceiling issues for the past 2 days now here at work. The air conditioning unit has been causing a leak in front of 2 studios. This school is slowly falling apart in front of my very eyes. We need an extreme makeover, pronto!