

From a discussion that I had with my e-mail buddies:

Regarding being hurt by people who are closest to you: It is very true that those who are closest to you are the ones that can hurt you the most, whether they are your friends or even your own family. I suppose they feel that they have the right to interfere in your life and think that they know what's best for you, because they know everything that you're going through. So they impose their feelings and their opinions on you as to how you should live your life, etc, without even thinking how you would feel.

Regarding the hardships of being a Christian: The Christian life gets harder, because as you get to know more about Christ (through His word, etc), the struggle between our own desires and following His teachings become more apparent. When the light of Christ is shone on that struggle, we become more aware of it. But hardships refines us in the fire, strengthens our faith, so that's the hope we can hold on to as we go through hardships in our Christian life.

Regarding marriage and finding a mate: For both men and women, as far as knowing what we want, who we want and when we want it, if it's not there, don't force it. Don't go around just looking for someone because you feel that you have to or you're told that you need to get married straightaway! But don't wait for that person to fall out of the sky either. Sometimes the person is right under your nose and you don't even know that that person is there because you're so caught up in looking out (into the horizon) instead of looking down (right under your nose). Of course you have to keep praying about it, but you would probably need to take that first step as well toward your prayer being answered.