
Because I felt like it.

I bow down to your awesomeness. You truly are a Knight of the Round Table, ready to defend yourself against the Knights of Ni, use the Holy Grenade of Antioch, and RUNAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! from the horrible monster of ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHH!! Or perhaps a barber who truly desires to be a singing lumberjack. Or better yet, you are Brian, fighting off the misguided crowds and wondering what on earth you did wrong to wind up singing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” while hanging on the cross. Well whoever you choose all I have to say is Go you!!!

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March 18th, 2005
10:10 pm
Ioan Gruffudd, a.k.a. “Horatio Hornblower” is Mr. Fantastic in the upcoming movie Fantastic 4. *sigh* He’s Welsh, people, WELSH! LOL