Bliss! I had the day off today! And, I finally went to the gym today, after not having gone for the past few months. Let me tell you, it felt great getting all drenched in sweat (ewww…gross, I apologize), but boy, did I need it, especially today! Anyway, for the rest of the day, I just stayed home and took it easy, read my Bible and then moved on to reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I know what you’re thinking, “you haven’t read The Chronicles of Narnia?” No, I have not read it at all, although I have been meaning to for a very long time. I have the one volume edition, which contains all 7 books. It will be quite a daunting task but I intend to finish the whole thing by the end of the year. But anyway, I digress. It was quite a nice day, although it did rain, which I wasn’t too keen about, but I thank God for the rain all the same.
If it hadn’t rain today however, I would’ve gone to the beach (which was my original intent before I found out that it was going to rain this weekend) and do some reading. Maybe some other time. Good day, a very good day.
Another treat as well was that I had a chance to chat with my best friend, Rizza. That was quite a surprise as I had not seen her online for quite a while. It was great just to be able to catch up with her and find out what we both have been up to since we had last spoken / chatted. Chatting with her made me miss Toronto. I do miss that city and my friends over there. I would love to visit them some day. Moving back to Toronto is still a possibility for me, and I’m definitely not closing the door on that. But it’s a matter of where the Lord wants me to be.
I think I’m going to resume reading. Good night!
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