
The Jane Pauley Show - NBC, New York, NY - December 23, 2004

Rockapella made an appearance on the Jane Pauley Show this morning on NBC as part of their "Holiday Harmonies" show, which also includes 2 Yale a cappella groups, The Whiffenpoofs and Out of the Blue, Key of She, and Powerplay. The guys did well, inspite of technical discrepancies. John's mic was a little too loud and Jeff's wasn't loud at all. You could barely hear him percuss. I was a little gutted at that, but overall they sounded great.

Well, technically, I wasn't there in the audience today, but I guess I could count this as a "live" performance of sorts, hence my account of the show. ;-) LOL The guys made me proud! Especially Scott (a.k.a. "Tinkerbell") handled himself pretty well during the brief interview with Jane.

Tomorrow, they will be on a CNN Morning show. Someone record this for me! I don't have cable! Ugh! LOL