

Guess who’s sick…AGAIN? Me, that’s who! It’s the flu this time, yes it is. It hit me hard last Sunday night, right after our company Christmas dinner. It was raining and very, VERY cold (brrr…). It seems like everytime I update this blog, I’m either sick or had just gotten back from a trip. Anyway, Christmas is fast approaching and I feel like if I blink, I’m gonna completely miss it. I haven’t finished shopping for gifts yet. Leave it to me to finish Christmas shopping at the last minute! December 24 babee! LOL Well, I know that things can get crazy during this holiday season, but let’s not forget why we’re celebrating this special holiday. The only reason we get to celebrate Christmas is because of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas won’t be Christmas without “Christ”. Let’s not forget who we’re honouring. It’s cool to have fun and give and receive gifts and such, but let’s be thankful that He came into this world to save us, and that’s why we should celebrate.