
A new year’s upon us.

I can’t believe that a year is about to end, and we’re facing a new one in just a few hours. Time sure flies by fast. So many things have happened personally, and just the world in general. There are so many things to be grateful for. I’m looking forward to a better and brighter 2005. If I’m not able to log on at midnight tonight, I just want to wish all of you a Blessed New Year! Let’s not forget to thank the Lord for what He has done in 2004 and let’s look forward to what He has in store for the coming year!

Pray for those who are affected by the tsunami in Asia.


A cappella pictures.

Just some pictures to share! I know it's not Rockapella, but they're still a cappella. These are pictures with 2 other groups that April and I absolutely enjoy, The Blenders and m-pact.

This was taken at the Starlight Bowl concert that The Blenders and Rockapella double-billed at. Such a good-looking lot!

Me and my favourite Blender, Ryan Lance! He's sooo cute!

April and I with Britt Quentin (next to April) and Jake Moulton (also really cute!) of m-pact! (After this show, I had to drive all the way to The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano - 1 hour drive! - to go to the Rockapella concert, which I missed, but made the meet and greet. LOL)


It’s beginning to look a lot like…



There can be no Christmas without CHRIST!

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…”
Isaiah 9:6a (ESV)


The Jane Pauley Show - NBC, New York, NY - December 23, 2004

Rockapella made an appearance on the Jane Pauley Show this morning on NBC as part of their "Holiday Harmonies" show, which also includes 2 Yale a cappella groups, The Whiffenpoofs and Out of the Blue, Key of She, and Powerplay. The guys did well, inspite of technical discrepancies. John's mic was a little too loud and Jeff's wasn't loud at all. You could barely hear him percuss. I was a little gutted at that, but overall they sounded great.

Well, technically, I wasn't there in the audience today, but I guess I could count this as a "live" performance of sorts, hence my account of the show. ;-) LOL The guys made me proud! Especially Scott (a.k.a. "Tinkerbell") handled himself pretty well during the brief interview with Jane.

Tomorrow, they will be on a CNN Morning show. Someone record this for me! I don't have cable! Ugh! LOL


Pictures, just ’cause… ;)

Katzy (a.k.a “Justice”) and Cat at Starbucks.

Conan looks like he’s twitching. I just look inebriated. Wut da hizzy?

Babie and Jesseca. :)

Conan looks like an anime.

The BIRTHDAY BOY! He’s lovin’ that poinsettia. LOL

Thug life in the LBC. Ya hurd!

SOOO HOTT!!! Yeahyuh!


Pella dreams?

I had a Pella dream last night. It was a bit bizarre but cool at the same time. I dreamt that I was at a meet and greet after their show at some place of which I have no idea as to where it was. Anyhow, Kevin and I were talking and he told me that he felt bad that he never got a chance to pick me as Pretty Woman. I told him that it was quite alright and that it wasn't a big deal at all. He kept insisting that he had to make it up to me somehow since I had been a very loyal fan and have supported them for a very long time. He and I kept going back and forth, and I kept telling him that he shouldn't make a big deal of it. Next scene: I was in a shopping mall, walking towards a Starbucks (surprise! LOL) and when I walked in, I saw Kevin and Elliott in line to buy something. Kevin looked over, saw me and ran towards me, grabbed my arm and dragged me back to where he was standing in line. He told El that he was going to buy me my drink to somehow make it up to me. So, Kevin paid for my drink and the 3 of us sat down to have a chat. Next scene: Same mall. I was at a store, and Jeff walked in, saw me and came over to give me a big hug. And the whole time he just walked around, looked at clothes with me, and helped me pick them out. Weird. LOL

Anyway, so that was some random dream that I had about the Guys. I remember having another one, years ago, where I was supposedly their 6th member. LOL Yup, me, the 6th member of Rockapella. Yessirree Bob! LOL Anyhow, all I remember was me sitting on Jeff's lap in the back seat of a small, white Honda Civic, with Bear driving, El in the front passenger seat, and Kevin and Scott with us in the back. LOL *cue circus music* Yeah, I had visions of 12 clowns in a VW bug...LOL We got to the club, and during rehearsals, Scott decided to have me take over VP duties for this particular show. We were all standing around the pit area of the stage, with Scott standing in the middle of this mini-circle we've created. Bear was sitting in one of the front row seats, Elliott was untangling some electrical cord right across from him. Kevin was leaning on the stage, Jeff was sitting on edge of the stage, and I was leaning on him with my back towards him. Scott looked over to me and asked me if I was ready. I told him, with confidence, that I was. And... SCENE. Bizarro dream eh?

How about you? Any Pella dreams you'd like to share?

Pella dreams

I had a Pella dream last night. It was a bit bizarre but cool at the same time. I dreamt that I was at a meet and greet after their show at some place of which I have no idea as to where it was. Anyhow, Kevin and I were talking and he told me that he felt bad that he never got a chance to pick me as Pretty Woman. I told him that it was quite alright and that it wasn't a big deal at all. He kept insisting that he had to make it up to me somehow since I had been a very loyal fan and have supported them for a very long time. He and I kept going back and forth, and I kept telling him that he shouldn't make a big deal of it. Next scene: I was in a shopping mall, walking towards a Starbucks (surprise! LOL) and when I walked in, I saw Kevin and Elliott in line to buy something. Kevin looked over, saw me and ran towards me, grabbed my arm and dragged me back to where he was standing in line. He told El that he was going to buy me my drink to somehow make it up to me. So, Kevin paid for my drink and the 3 of us sat down to have a chat. Next scene: Same mall. I was at a store, and Jeff walked in, saw me and came over to give me a big hug. And the whole time he just walked around, looked at clothes with me, and helped me pick them out. Weird. LOL Anyway, so that was some random dream that I had about the Guys. I remember having another one, years ago, where I was supposedly their 6th member. LOL Yup, me, the 6th member of Rockapella. Yessirree Bob! LOL Anyhow, all I remember was me sitting on Jeff's lap in the back seat of a small, white Honda Civic, with Bear driving, El in the front passenger seat, and Kevin and Scott with us in the back. LOL *cue circus music* Yeah, I had visions of 12 clowns in a VW bug...LOL We got to the club, and during rehearsals, Scott decided to have me take over VP duties for this particular show. We were all standing around the pit area of the stage, with Scott standing in the middle of this mini-circle we've created. Bear was sitting in one of the front row seats, Elliott was untangling some electrical cord right across from him. Kevin was leaning on the stage, Jeff was sitting on edge of the stage, and I was leaning on him with my back towards him. Scott looked over to me and asked me if I was ready. I told him, with confidence, that I was. And... SCENE. Bizarro dream eh? How about you? Any Pella dreams you'd like to share?


Merry Christmas to me?!

Someone send me to this!

Haha. j/k! But it would be nice to check it out.


It has returned!!!

The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King (Platinum Series Special Extended Edition)

I’m not watching it just yet, since I haven’t purchased it but…IT COMES OUT TODAY!!! *dances the happy dance around the room*


Fast food and crime?

Man, I’m just finding out about this Subway shooting! I’m watching the news and they’re showing the surveillance footage that they got from the Subway restaurant Friday night. And just this past Sunday, the new Starbucks that just opened down the street from my flat, the one on Del Amo and Pioneer, got robbed, and this happened while I was in their bathroom!!! I got out just in time to see the perp drive off in his truck and one of the Baristas running out of the store to chase him down! Fortunately, there was a cop driving down Del Amo when the guy sped off and turned on a red light without stopping first at the intersection. He got pulled over about a block away from the Starbucks and all of us in the store were hoping that he got busted. The cop and the perp were there for a long while and I left before I even found out what the outcome was. Anyway, I went to get my coffee again this afternoon before going into work and saw the girl Barista who was at the counter when the guy grabbed the 2 tip containers in front of her last night. I asked what happened after I left last night, and if they got their money back. She said that nothing happened, and the cope probably didn’t even know that the guy had just robbed them. So, they were left without their tips from last night. Man, what’s up with that? Are people really that desperate that they would resort to a crime to get their kicks? I’m just glad that no shooting occurred. I thank God we were spared from something like that, especially after just having found out what happened at the Subway store in Whittier last Friday. Lord, thank you. Anyway, I’m just sad about what this world’s coming to. Sad world we live in now. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we gotta get a move on it and tell them about Jesus. Lord, grant us the boldness. And even so, come Lord Jesus! We can’t wait for your return!

So after about 7 years of wearing it long, I finally chopped off my hair. Yep, it is once again, short! S-H-O-R-T! Hee hee… I’m really loving it right now. It’s sooo easy to manage, I can just wash it and go. Here it is…

What do you guys think?

Here’s another one taken today with Charisse, who also got her hair cut!

My long locks are gone…

Well, I’m off to bed.



Guess who’s sick…AGAIN? Me, that’s who! It’s the flu this time, yes it is. It hit me hard last Sunday night, right after our company Christmas dinner. It was raining and very, VERY cold (brrr…). It seems like everytime I update this blog, I’m either sick or had just gotten back from a trip. Anyway, Christmas is fast approaching and I feel like if I blink, I’m gonna completely miss it. I haven’t finished shopping for gifts yet. Leave it to me to finish Christmas shopping at the last minute! December 24 babee! LOL Well, I know that things can get crazy during this holiday season, but let’s not forget why we’re celebrating this special holiday. The only reason we get to celebrate Christmas is because of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas won’t be Christmas without “Christ”. Let’s not forget who we’re honouring. It’s cool to have fun and give and receive gifts and such, but let’s be thankful that He came into this world to save us, and that’s why we should celebrate.