
Odds and ends, and boredom.

The concert’s tomorrow night. I’m a little apprehensive yet I am excited as well. I don’t really know what to expect. We had never worked with the band before (except for that one night that we rehearsed with them), and it will be in front of a very unfamiliar crowd (we usually sing at places and churches who have already heard of Papuri). It’s a little unnerving. One consolation is that it’s not really our concert, we’re just a supporting act for Ledoria Johnson. I just pray that God will be glorified through the songs and through us, and that His will be done. I also pray that the people who will be in attendance will be blessed through Ledoria’s testimony through her songs.

I’m very pleased with the outcome of American Idol last night. Jasmine is gone. She just didn’t step it up as far as performance is concerned. She never improved on her performance, she sounded the same as she did when she first got on the show. She’s still young, she has a long way to go, a lot of room to grow so-to-speak.

Can you tell that I’m very bored? Not much to be done at work today. Well, that’s how it usually is when it’s the end of the month. Workload comes in spurts, especially during the beginning of every month. I should’ve brought in a book with me so I could pass the time.