
Bible study last night, a very irate phone call, and my writings.

Since we have started our Bible studies based on Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life, we have been on this experimental stage in the way we conduct our studies. Praise God that we have been diligent in learning and that we really dig deep into the study of the Word based on that book. Last night was particularly challenging and yet, at the same time, very productive. We learned about God’s glory and how it is ultimately manifested in Jesus Christ. God’s glory is the essence of His goodness, and all of His intrinsic characteristics. We give God the glory and show it to others by the way we live our lives. We give Him the glory and show it to others by loving other people, especially our fellow believers. We give God the glory and show it to others by telling people about Him. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But, somehow we have a hard time doing it. We so readily give glory to people, or things, but when it comes to God, we have a hard time giving Him the glory.

Wow, can I just say ‘perfect timing’? Just as I was typing about God’s glory and how I can glorify Him through my life and in anything that I do, I get a phone call from an irate parent who’s very upset that no one informed them that the school is closed this week for Memorial Day. Needless to say, I tried to keep my composure as much as possible and be really, REALLY civil with her without getting irate myself. Well, I did apologize profusely and told her that we will do our best next time to inform everyone of our school holidays and such. I just have to say though that she was being very unreasonable and condescending, I did not enjoy speaking with her and especially apologize to her in the least. Did I pass the test? I sure hope so. LOL I felt my blood rush up to my head, I thought I was going to pass out. I thank God that I didn’t become irate as well. Boy, that was hard! *sigh*

Blessing called me this morning and asked me if I had any writings, poems or lyrics that they can use for the worship CD that they’re doing for their church. I told her that I had a couple of fairly decent ones that they may be able to use. As I was looking through my little journal, I can’t help but see how my frame of mind changed throughout the years. Some of my writings aren’t necessarily ‘worship-appropriate’. A lot of those writings came from a place of heartbreak, despair and loneliness. I praise God for growth, no matter how slow that may have been. Growth in understanding of who He is in my life and what I need to do to live a life that is purpose-driven. Anyway, I managed to find a couple of poems/lyrics for them. Hopefully it will be good enough. They can alter it to suit whatever melody they come up with. I’m very excited at the thought that someone will sing something I wrote! We shall see when the CD comes out. :)