
Currenty Reading

Chronicles of Narnia
By C. S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes

Today’s a very lazy day. I woke up really late. Got up and saw my aunt and Tine cleaning out the garage so I sorta helped out a bit. Took back some of the old clothes I tossed out for the garage sale but they were never sold.

After lunch, I proceeded to clean my room up a bit, threw out some things that I absolutely did not need. I’m such a pack-rat. I collect things until everything is piled up and I’m running out of room. It’s such a disease, being a pack-rat. I need to be able to let go of things. When and where would I need to use a 20-page paper on 19th century Victorian authors? But when I think about it, I worked so hard on that paper that it would seem to be such a waste if I toss it, although, realistically, I will not be using it or even read it ever! *sigh* I’m hopeless. Anyway, I guess I’m going to have to think about it a lot more before I decide whether I should toss it or not.

Well, I guess that’s all for now. I need some caffeine. I’m off to Starbucks.