
Argh! It's so hot today!

The weather is turning schizo on us here in Cali. Yesterday, the weather was quite nice and cool and today it’s scorching hot! What gives? Oh well. It makes sense though since summer is around the corner. I wanna jump in a pool!

Oooh, Coupling marathon is on right now on BBC America. Later!


Bible study last night, a very irate phone call, and my writings.

Since we have started our Bible studies based on Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life, we have been on this experimental stage in the way we conduct our studies. Praise God that we have been diligent in learning and that we really dig deep into the study of the Word based on that book. Last night was particularly challenging and yet, at the same time, very productive. We learned about God’s glory and how it is ultimately manifested in Jesus Christ. God’s glory is the essence of His goodness, and all of His intrinsic characteristics. We give God the glory and show it to others by the way we live our lives. We give Him the glory and show it to others by loving other people, especially our fellow believers. We give God the glory and show it to others by telling people about Him. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But, somehow we have a hard time doing it. We so readily give glory to people, or things, but when it comes to God, we have a hard time giving Him the glory.

Wow, can I just say ‘perfect timing’? Just as I was typing about God’s glory and how I can glorify Him through my life and in anything that I do, I get a phone call from an irate parent who’s very upset that no one informed them that the school is closed this week for Memorial Day. Needless to say, I tried to keep my composure as much as possible and be really, REALLY civil with her without getting irate myself. Well, I did apologize profusely and told her that we will do our best next time to inform everyone of our school holidays and such. I just have to say though that she was being very unreasonable and condescending, I did not enjoy speaking with her and especially apologize to her in the least. Did I pass the test? I sure hope so. LOL I felt my blood rush up to my head, I thought I was going to pass out. I thank God that I didn’t become irate as well. Boy, that was hard! *sigh*

Blessing called me this morning and asked me if I had any writings, poems or lyrics that they can use for the worship CD that they’re doing for their church. I told her that I had a couple of fairly decent ones that they may be able to use. As I was looking through my little journal, I can’t help but see how my frame of mind changed throughout the years. Some of my writings aren’t necessarily ‘worship-appropriate’. A lot of those writings came from a place of heartbreak, despair and loneliness. I praise God for growth, no matter how slow that may have been. Growth in understanding of who He is in my life and what I need to do to live a life that is purpose-driven. Anyway, I managed to find a couple of poems/lyrics for them. Hopefully it will be good enough. They can alter it to suit whatever melody they come up with. I’m very excited at the thought that someone will sing something I wrote! We shall see when the CD comes out. :)



Yeah, so I bought the ROTK DVD yesterday. Such a suckah (that’s ’sucker’), I tell you. Watched it once-through and then watched it again, but skipped to the good, exciting parts (the Battle of Pelennor Fields, Shelob’s Lair, Legolas taking down the Mumakil, etc).

Anyway, so enough of my silliness. Praise God for this week. Our school is closed for the Memorial Day holiday (or vacation for you non-Canucks out there), but the office is still open. I don’t mind coming into work this week, it’s quite relaxing and not as chaotic as when all the kids are here for their lessons. Chiz and I are able to do work without a lot of interruptions. It’s quite nice and a very relaxed atmosphere.

Well, looky here!

It’s almost July! Keep on praying peeps! We want to be able to raise enough money to help out the orphanage (Subic Bay Children’s Home) in Olongapo City, Philippines. They need the money to rebuild their roofs that were destroyed by typhoons and such in the P.I. and help them start building their school.


Another title change…

I’ve made another blog title change. I think I’ll be keeping it for a while. I kinda like it. What do you think? I still welcome suggestions though.

Saw Shrek 2 yesterday. That was quite fun. However, I still liked the first one I guess, ’cause it’s fresh and new at the time. I enjoyed it though, laughed quite a lot, especially at the parodies they did of the different movies that are quite popular right now (did anyone see their onion-carriage pass over the bridge through Rivendell on their way to the Kingdom Far-Far Away? Oh, and The Poison Apple? haha!)

The ROTK DVD comes out tomorrow! Whoo-hoo! So exciting! :)


Title change and other things.

Well, I changed the title of my blog. I couldn’t think of anything else, so I’m using “There and Back Again” temporarily. Who knows, I might keep it. We’ll see if I can come up with something else. Maybe some of you out there can help me. Especially those who know me well enough. Something that suits me. Leave it on the comment box.

I took a very nice, long nap today. I feel a little more rested. Actually, I should be getting some sleep already, need to get up early tomorrow for Sunday School. Oddly enough, I am feeling the zzz’s coming on right now. Well, ’til next entry then.

Before I forget, CONGRATULATIONS ANT! You finally graduated. :) So I guess this means you won’t be MIA as much anymore…uh.. yeah right! Just kidding!

Currenty Reading

Chronicles of Narnia
By C. S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes

Today’s a very lazy day. I woke up really late. Got up and saw my aunt and Tine cleaning out the garage so I sorta helped out a bit. Took back some of the old clothes I tossed out for the garage sale but they were never sold.

After lunch, I proceeded to clean my room up a bit, threw out some things that I absolutely did not need. I’m such a pack-rat. I collect things until everything is piled up and I’m running out of room. It’s such a disease, being a pack-rat. I need to be able to let go of things. When and where would I need to use a 20-page paper on 19th century Victorian authors? But when I think about it, I worked so hard on that paper that it would seem to be such a waste if I toss it, although, realistically, I will not be using it or even read it ever! *sigh* I’m hopeless. Anyway, I guess I’m going to have to think about it a lot more before I decide whether I should toss it or not.

Well, I guess that’s all for now. I need some caffeine. I’m off to Starbucks.


Last night’s concert.

The concert last night went really well! Praise God! People came forward and made decisions to accept Christ as Lord and Savior and/or re-dedicate their lives to Christ. It was great! The band was in top form! We met some awesome people last night too.

Only downside was that the concert went on too long. 3 hours! Got home around 1:30 am and went to bed straight-away. Needless to say, I had a hard time getting up this morning for work. It’s quite alright, I having my coffee now so that should help a bit. I am hungry though. *sigh* LOL

I can’t wait ‘til 2:30pm. As soon as I get home, I’m going to catch up on some sleep. I’m soooo tired!


Rehearsals tonight.

Rehearsals went well tonight. I think we’re pretty much ready as we will ever be. I still don’t know why I’m so nervous though. I’m sure it’ll be gone by the time we get on stage. Pray for us. Good night! (Or shall I say, “Good Morning!”, LOL)


Odds and ends, and boredom.

The concert’s tomorrow night. I’m a little apprehensive yet I am excited as well. I don’t really know what to expect. We had never worked with the band before (except for that one night that we rehearsed with them), and it will be in front of a very unfamiliar crowd (we usually sing at places and churches who have already heard of Papuri). It’s a little unnerving. One consolation is that it’s not really our concert, we’re just a supporting act for Ledoria Johnson. I just pray that God will be glorified through the songs and through us, and that His will be done. I also pray that the people who will be in attendance will be blessed through Ledoria’s testimony through her songs.

I’m very pleased with the outcome of American Idol last night. Jasmine is gone. She just didn’t step it up as far as performance is concerned. She never improved on her performance, she sounded the same as she did when she first got on the show. She’s still young, she has a long way to go, a lot of room to grow so-to-speak.

Can you tell that I’m very bored? Not much to be done at work today. Well, that’s how it usually is when it’s the end of the month. Workload comes in spurts, especially during the beginning of every month. I should’ve brought in a book with me so I could pass the time.