
The fan-girl in me…

… had a moment yesterday. I attempted to see New Kids on the Block at their signing at Best Buy in Burbank, CA. LOL I know, I know, such a fan-girl. I didn’t actually get to meet them since I didn’t know about the signing until I checked my e-mail at work some time around noon, and I received an e-mail with the subject-line, “Meet New Kids on the Block”. Don’t know why I got that e-mail the day of the actual signing… But anyway, the e-mail said that they were going to have a signing around 7pm, but you have to pre-order their new CD earlier that day to get a pass to meet them. So, I sat there thinking, “gee, thanks for sending me the e-mail the day of!” Anyway, I went about my business, trying to finish up stuff at work, then 5:30pm hits, I finished what I needed to do, that was when I got the urge to just hop in my car and drive over there, just to see what was going on. I got there and saw that the line for the signing went all around the building. From what I heard from some BB workers, these people have been in line since 3am! Crazy! Well, I walked into Best Buy just right before the New Kids came out, and almost got trampled on by a bunch of 30-somethings, screeching at the sight of them… It was hilarious and frightening at the same time! I thought I was among teenaged girls! (And I thought watching an ‘NSync concert among 14-15 year olds was insane!)

Anyway, I didn’t get to meet them, but I did get a good glimpse of them, albeit 20-feet away, especially Jonathan, who is my fave, since he stood up a couple of times. But, it brought back a lot of my high school memories back when I was in Toronto (I had the tapes and the pullout posters from the teeny-bopper mags like BOP! and Tiger Beat - LOL), I felt like I was 15 all over again! LOL But even though I didn’t get to meet them, I was very entertained just watching the whole spectacle, seeing grown women crying because they had just met their fave New Kid! And some of them even brought their kids along! It’s a family affair! I’ll probably be seeing the same thing on Nov. 26th. Can’t wait… LOL