
I’m sitting here at Starbucks…

…freezing my buns off, when it’s completely the opposite outside - so hot! You should see me right now, I’m actually wearing a hoodie! LOL I think they overcompensated for how hot it is outside! LOL

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to worship at a different church. It was our joint church service with our mother church, North Long Beach Christian Fellowship, and our other sister mission churches, the Cambodian and Hispanic congregations. We always have our joint services every time there’s a 5th Sunday in a month. Since this time around, our church, Olive Christian, didn’t really have any major part in the service, I took the opportunity to go visit Calvary Chapel - La Habra where my friend Vanessa worships. As much as I love our church family in Long Beach (the mother church, Olive and the Cambodian and Hispanic congregations), it was actually quite refreshing to be among other believers outside of the walls of our church building. It’s very rare for me to really just go to a church and just sit there and soak in the Word. Yesterday was just that. I didn’t have to think about leading worship or the congregational singing. I just sat there and listened to the word of God. I felt recharged.

Earlier today, I got to hang out with one of my oldest (in length of time, not in age - haha) and dearest friends, Marnie. We had lunch and then watched a Filipino movie showing at one of the theatres in Pasadena. I rarely get to see her, but it’s always fun when I do get to see her. We usually try to meet up every-so-often, but we end up seeing each other once a year or every 6 months. LOL I really hope to get to spend more time with her, she’s one of my oldest friends, whom I’ve known since birth. I will definitely make an effort to see her more often.