
Looking forward to a few things on TV in the fall…

1. Damian Lewis on NBC’s Life - yet again, he is playing an American, convincing at that, but I do so miss his lovely British accent, like in The Forsyte Saga… Oh wow..

2. Hiro Nakamura’s return on Heroes - Origins - you know you’re dying to see it too! Will Peter Petrelli make an appearance? I sure hope so. *sigh*

3. Pushing Daisies - I like the premise. It’s about a man who has the ability to bring people back to life, by a touch of his hand, find out who killed them, “make” them dead again by another touch, and then post a reward to find the killers. It’s just something you’ve never seen before on TV.

And coming, in a few weeks (late summer):

VH1’s MAN BAND - Yes, Chris Kirkpatrick (’nsync), Jeff Timmons (98 degrees), Bryan Abrams (Color Me Badd), and Rich Cronin (LFO) are attempting to relive their glory days by forming a new “man” band (they’re not “boys” anymore, apparently). You know I’m watching!


British invasion.

David Beckham played his first game tonight as a Los Angeles Galaxy player! Home Depot Centre was sold out! Madness! I wanted to see his first game, not to mention see Chelsea play (and Terry, of course), but it was impossible to get tickets. I don’t know if soccer/football will finally get some kind of legs here in the States, but Becks definitely brought more audience to the sport. I really don’t care though, I like soccer, I like Becks (and I get a kick outta Posh - haha!), so I’m definitely going to follow him and the game closely. The last sports figure I’ve been this interested in was Michael Jordan (man, was I a fan!). For me, this is Mike all over again.


Another uneventful post.

I don’t quite understand why people like to put up pictures on the internet of themselves, incredibly inebriated, crawling on the floor, looking really ridiculous. Are those pictures supposed to make them look appealing? Attractive? Cool? What kind of a purpose do those pictures serve? I just don’t get it.

I want to take voice lessons again. I miss singing in the classical style. I really believe my voice was in the best shape when I was in college. I was watching Kristen Chenoweth on The View earlier this morning, and when they asked her to sing (she’s classically trained, by the way), I felt a tinged of envy. *sigh* I wasn’t overtly envious, but I felt a smidgeon of it. Maybe I should dig up my old books from school and try to get my voice back in shape. Honestly, my vibrato is slower right now, it gets a bit frustrating.


Here I am, meandering.

As I was sitting at the beach last Saturday, I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty that was in front of me. Clear skies, white clouds, the sun shining, and water as far as the eyes can see. I was in a bit of a funk earlier that day, but what I saw definitely lifted my spirits up. God is amazing, and I’m in awe of His handiwork. It made me realize that I need to be thankful for every single thing that I have, and not look for things that I don’t have. It was the most relaxing time I’ve had for a very long time, and I really appreciated every moment of it, just sitting there, reading, and admiring the majesty of God through His creation.

Although, being at the beach was quite a nice break from the mundane, I did get a, somewhat, bad sunburn on the back of my neck. I did put on some sun-block but it got washed off when I went into the water with my cousin, Jaya. And of course, I forgot to bring a swimsuit, nor extra clothes (I wasn’t really intending on getting into the water), so I went in with what I was wearing. I developed the sunburn while I was trying to dry myself and my clothes under the sun all day. Well, I’ll be sure to bring a swimsuit and extra set of clothes next time, just in case.
I obtained a couple of minor injuries here at work today. While I was putting away books onto our shelves, I scraped a finger, and I chipped a nail. Wow, that’s the highlight of my day! So fun…

On more trivial things, I still haven’t seen the new Harry Potter movie nor have seen Transformers for a second time. I know I’ll make my way to the movies somehow, but right now, I just don’t have the energy for it. I really wish I could just stay at home for one day and just chill.


Transformers… more than meets the eye!

I saw the movie Transformers last weekend and all I can say is.. “WOW”. More than met my expectations. The storyline was good, the CGI was close to perfection, and the action was fantastic! I clapped and cheered when I first saw Optimus Prime. I believe I was the only who did (geek!). haha I am definitely going to see the movie again, I’m guessing 3 more times at the least. haha


Be careful...

Just a reminder to my Christian brothers and sisters, be careful in making the distinction between being geniunely spiritual and being spiritually arrogant. Your best testimony is the way you live your life, and not how much you know. You don’t need to announce to the world that you are spiritual, you know so much about the Bible, Christianity, etc. If you are truly a student of the word of God and truly growing in the faith, it will manifest in the way you live your life, and not just in the words you speak. I’m not saying that learning about what you believe is wrong. Having knowledge about God, His son Jesus Christ, and about living the life is great, but if what you’re learning doesn’t manifest in the way you live and manage your life, then you need to look at yourself in the mirror. It’s easy to “pretend” to be a solid Christian. I’ve been down that road before, that is why I urge you to be careful.


Summer's here.

I walked out of the apartment this morning, and it suddenly hit me, summer’s here. Wow, time flies. I seriously need to have some “me” time. I need a break from everything, just to regroup, gather my thoughts. The beach calls, but I doubt I’ll be able to go anytime during the summer. I guess I should just go without planning on it.

Things have transpired in the least desirable way in the last few days. I don’t want to say anymore, but I suppose I can’t avoid being part of it. Here I go again with my vague thoughts, no explanations. I apologize about that, but it’s hard to elaborate on these things, I suppose it will just make the situation worse. I wish that things were back to the way they used to be, but sadly, decisions and choices were made that really brought to light what’s most valuable to a person. Something you thought was valuable to the individuals involved was simply cast aside. I suppose whatever that “valuable” thing was, was never valuable to begin with. Then, people start to change, attitudes start to change. Presumptions and feelings are projected towards the other person. I think what bothers me the most is that I can find no genuine remorse since that choice has been made. It’s sad. I’m sad. I wish things aren’t this way, but again, the choices that have been made made things this way.

Enough about the vagueness. The funny thing about being vague is that some people read too much into it, and they perceive it to be directed towards them. I suppose it can’t be helped especially if they knew, in some subconscious way, they were at fault in some way. I could totally be talking about something else, but another person might take it as though I was talking about them. Funny.

That is why I would like to get some “me” time. Just to spend time thinking, meditating on the word of God. Lord knows, I’ve been acting on my feelings lately. I would love to see the day when things are resolved and relationships and friendships are restored. I’m working on swallowing my pride, it’s hard, but I’m working on it.

Anyway, I feel the need to geek out! You all know that Transformers is already out in the theatres this week, I’m sooooo going to see it tomorrow! I can’t wait! As I have mentioned before, while all the little girls back in the ’80s watched Rainbow Brite and My Little Pony, I was watching Transformers. I would never miss an episode. I’m very, very excited! This is like The Lord of the Rings all over again. haha I’m such a geek! I love it!


"Lord of the Bling"

This is some funny stuff… excuse the profanities.


Ahhh… nerddom…