
staring at the clock, watching the time go by.

Well, I’m just sitting here at work, waiting for the clock to hit 8pm then I’m outta here. It’s been a long day, but I’m not quite done. After work, I’m heading over to Papuri rehearsals. Longest day of my life? Perhaps. *sigh* I’m trying to pass the time blogging, and playing with my co-worker’s daughter. She’s 3 years old, and such a precocious little thing. She loves watching Disney princess movies. I’m learning Spanish from her, she barely speaks a word of English (they had just moved here from Costa Rica), so she and I have a fun time trying to figure out what we’re saying to each other.

Jason just finished serenading me with his “la-la-la-di-dahs” and “ba-ba-da-bahs“. Clever play on words, his songs are fun to listen to. Now, Justin is singing “Like I Love You“. The next on the playlist is, m-pact with “Ain’t Nobody“. hahaha Can you tell I’m completely bored?! Actually, the caffeine is starting to kick in, not exactly a good idea. I can spew off on random stuff, and you’ll be sitting in front of your computer thinking, “what in the world?

Oooh, ooh! I went to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus this past Saturday with my cousins, and the younglings, Nevaeh, her best friend (and Babie and Cat’s niece) Nathalie, and Tristen. I’ve never been to the circus, so that was quite interesting and surprisingly fun. The kids certainly enjoyed themselves, except for Tristen who’d much rather flirt with the girl sitting behind us. He won’t give the circus a second-look. haha! That kid cracks me up. I love him. :) I guess I could cross “going to the circus” off of my list of things I’d like to do before I die. haha

Okay, it’s almost 8pm. I’m going to get ready to get out of here. Thanks for putting up with my randomness.