
A pre-birthday entry.

I can't believe it's almost here. :)

Pre-birthday entry…

Less than 13 hours.
In less than 13 hours (I was born the morning of the 11th of Feb at 7:02 a.m.), I will be hitting the big 3-0. Yes, ladies and gents! I will be 30 years old! Scary thought, innit? Funny though, I don't feel like a 30-year-old, I certainly don't act like it, and I definitely DO NOT look like a 30-year-old! But I'm very excited about turning 30. I thank God for all the blessings He's given me this past year, and just for the faithfulness He's shown me for the past 29 years. I feel a little more secure in my own skin, and feel like I've definitely started to get a hold of what it's like to be an adult. I embrace being 30 and everything that comes along with it. I'm thankful that the Lord has allowed me to reach this age, through His grace and mercy. I pray for continued growth in my spiritual walk. I'm going to be more dedicated in praying for my journey towards marriage and be more specific in praying for a potential husband (no, I don't have someone in mind yet, but I am praying that God would reveal someone to me in the near future).

Oh, and here's my birthday wish-list:

  1. a trip to NYC (sometime this year will do)
  2. an acoustic/electric guitar (preferably a Taylor. I know right, in my dreams!)
  3. an external harddrive (80G) or a new laptop (preferably a Dell - they have an excellent customer-support system)
  4. the first 3 seasons of Alias on DVD

I know it's short, but that's all I could think of, for now. Will add more as I remember them.