
Long-overdue update

It's been a while since I last posted, hasn't it? Don't really have much to say except for the fact that I thank God for the life He's given me and how He has allowed me to live this long. Life is so fragile and everytime I think about that fact, this sense of urgency overcomes me to live my life for Christ and to let people know about Him and His saving grace and unconditional love. However, the first step towards that is the hardest to take sometimes. But I must press on make Him known. These past 2 weeks, our church family have lost people who are dear to us and who have lived their life to the utmost for Christ, my Auntie Adel Peol and Pastor Amando Alcantara. Their loss happened so fast, almost too fast. And though it is sad that they are no longer with us, we have the hope that they are both in the presence of Jesus. They are no longer experiencing pain and suffering. They're actually better off than we are. Praise God that we can have that hope and assurance of being in His presence when we pass on from this world. :)

Man, this has been a long day. I'm ready to go home and crash. Tired, so tired. But praise God for fellowship with friends, old and new. Well, that is all for now.