
Maturity vs. Age

Alicia Keys rocks! I love her! Her music is innovative and soulful at the same time. I also like Mary J. Blige. I love her new cd, especially the title track, "No More Drama." india.arie is another one of my faves. If you don't know who she is, she's one of the female artists featured on the latest GAP commercials (where they sing that song that goes, "give a little bit, give a little bit of my love to you."), she's the African-American lady with dreadlocks and a bandana around her head, with a great, deep, soulful voice. She was wearing the v-neck, hooded sweater and a denim skirt. She's awesome. I love her song, "Video."

I just realized that I tend to hang out with people who are younger than I am. It's not that I'm immature or anything like that (we'll maybe I am, LOL), it's just that I'm intimidated by those who are actually my age and older. I think I hang out with people younger than me because I don't have to impress them, and especially the younger guys that I hang out with, I don't have to look at them as "potential" boyfriends or whatnot. The funny thing is that most of the younger people that I hang out with, are more mature than those of the older "acquaintances" that I know of, in so many ways, spiritually being the most important aspect of it. One of my very good friends is 21 years old and he's spiritually more mature than the other college-aged people at their church. And he already knows what he wants to do with his life and that is to serve God by becoming a pastor. I see it in him, I know God has called him to do this, and I'm very blessed to know him and to have him as a friend. He's been a great encouragement to me and a confidante. And he prays and gets into the Word, and that makes him wise. I see a lot of guys who are much older than him, some who are way into their 20s and 30s, and they can't even hold a candle to him because they're still "playing games." It's really sad.