

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone out there who read my blog!!! Hope you had a great time welcoming the New Year. My celebration was pretty quiet, nothing spectacular…I'm pretty excited about the next couple of weeks! In two weekends, I'm going to NYC just to have a personal vacation, just to get away from everything and everyone I've been surrounded and familiar with, even just briefly. I don't want to be away from everything for so long, but I just want some "me" time, and do something outside of the usual routine…I'm going to be starting school fairly soon and I'll be working on top of that, so it's going to be pretty crazy for me. But I'll manage somehow, by God's grace. If things don't work out, I can always go back to Canada. Well, I just hope this year will be better than the last, more blessings and growth, emotionally, AND most importantly, spiritually. I pray the same for my loved ones, friends and you.