
I just realized, I get a bit hands-y some times with guys, when I like them or are fond of them. Hands-y, not in a pervy way, OK. I just wanted to make that clear. LOL This is what I’ve noticed - I mindlessly touch, either their face, the side or back of their necks, or hang on to their forearm. It’s something that just happens without me realizing it, until I’ve actually done it. I’m an affectionate person anyway - I like to hug, even if I had just met that person. I’m a hugger.So yeah, tonight, I noticed that I did that to someone without even intentionally doing it. I was talking to someone else, when I just kind of reached over with my right hand to my guy-friend’s neck placed it there while talking. Hahaha! I could get in trouble for doing that, seriously.