
Feeling a bit like I'm being left behind, as far as having a significant other is concerned. A lot of my friends, who are of the same age, are either married or have a significant other. Most of the little tweens that I was "big sister" to, back in Toronto, are mostly married with kids, or have significant others as well. Last night, while out with co-workers at a Korean BBQ to celebrate a co-worker's birthday, and another co-worker getting a nice fat commission (haha!), one co-worker was expressing her concern that she hasn't been able to get pregnant yet, after being married for 5 years, and she's worried that she won't be able to. But SHE'S ONLY 24!!! How could you worry about not having kids when you're only 24?!?! LOL All that talk made me a bit anxious, as I'm almost at that age when it will really be difficult to have babies. Next month, I will be 38. Not that I'm eager to get married yet. Although, I do have the desire. I'm just wondering when I will meet The One. 10 years ago, I really thought that I had met him. But, it turned out, God had other plans, and it was just not meant to be. I probably should be earnestly praying about this. But, I still have some apprehensions. Perhaps, I'm still not ready? Even at this age, I may still have some reservations about relationships and such. I don't know. It's tough. I'm not desperate enough to just settle for second best. Trusting my God to reveal it in His own time. I wish it would a bit faster, though. LOL