
My thoughts on "The Sing Off" (Pilot Episode)

I'm no a cappella expert, in the sense that I haven't performed enough a cappella music as a singer. However, I have been exposed to the world of contemporary a cappella (a.k.a. non-barbershop, non-doowop) in the past 10 years, have seen the pros who do it for a living, the amateurs and the collegiate groups that I could probably form a very informed opinion on the subject matter.

Tonight, was the premier of NBC's "The Sing Off", a music competition like no other, in that, it's all about a cappella music, in various forms. The show is hosted by Nick Lachey (of 98 degrees). And it also has a panel of judges: Ben Folds (of Ben Folds Five), Shawn Stockman (of Grammy award-winning music group, Boyz II Men), and, oddly enough, Nicole Scherzinger (of the Pussy Cat Dolls). My first thought regarding their choice of Ben Folds was, "why?" I've always know that he's a wonderful musician, and he did release an album recently of all a cappella tunes called, "University A Cappella", so I thought, the producers must think he's an a cappella expert. However, after watching this show, I have to say, he knows his a cappella, and he has great ear. One example is the key shift that the SoCals did, when the bass went sharp. I thought I was just imagining that, but he did hear it and so did Shawn. Wasn't sure if Nicole caught that, being a "solo" artist (yes, she is in a "group", but have you noticed that she's the only one who sings? And as far as harmonies are concerned, PCD is not known for harmonies).

Shawn Stockman. I understand this choice. Boyz II Men (or Unique Attraction as they were known before they became uber-famous), started off as a 4-part harmony a cappella group at the Philadelphia High School for the Performing Arts. Shawn has enough knowledge and a cappella experience to be a judge in this show. And I did wonder (and so did my friend, Sherry) if he still remembers (let alone, keep in touch) with George Baldi III (Rockapella's bass, and former member of Unique Attraction).

Nicole Scherzinger. This choice was a complete puzzler. OK, so they probably needed a pretty girl in the mix, and after watching the episode, she has been dubbed as the "Paula" of the trifecta of judges. But what's her experience as far as a cappella is concerned? As I've mentioned before, PCD is not known for harmonies, nor a cappella for that matter. They lip-synch 99% of the time in concerts, and Nicole sings ALL of the solos. Her comments were pretty much a echo of the other two judges', and then she tells them they looked good, had the spirit, had great outfits, etc...

The groups. My initial favourite out of the first set was Face. And they were booted off! What was that all about?! They sounded the most "professional" out of the 4 (all 8, actually). I thought Nota should've left. The guy didn't even know the lyrics to "I'm Yours" which is a no-no, especially for a Jason Mraz song. The man is known for his lyrics, his "wordplay". Piece of advice: LEARN THE CORRECT LYRICS! Out of the 2nd set, my favourite was the Beelzebubs, I'd have to say. They were cheesy, but they were fun to watch, and they sang their a%%es off.

Honorable mentions:
- Maxx Factor
- Voices of Lee
- SoCals

I still haven't completely jumped on this show's bandwagon, but I am hopeful that it gets picked up and the network orders a full season of it in the spring. I'm excited because a cappella is definitely a genre close to my heart and I'm glad that it's starting to gain some popularity. I hope it continues.


Sherry said...

FACE was my favorite, too, and Nota my least favorite.

You and I continue to show that we have the same, excellent taste in music. :)

Aura said...

Indeed, we do! ;)