
"Doctor Who: End of Time" - Part 1

Most of you know how much I love the sci-fi series "Doctor Who" and how much I'm in love with its star, David Tennant, who plays the Doctor in the series. So, when the news of him leaving the role to move on to bigger pastures came out, I was sad. Christopher Eccleston was the one who turned me onto this show when they had revived the show in 2005, but David Tennant was the one who hooked me.

Tonight, they aired the first of the 2-part special of "Doctor Who: End of Time", in which David's incarnation of the Doctor (a.k.a. "Ten") faces his end, and eventually regenerates to the 11th incarnation of the Doctor (which will be played by Matt Smith). I have seen the trailers for this, and after actually seeing the whole of Part 1, I am a mess! I was crying, I didn't think it would be that emotional. But it was! I really can't talk about the episode because I have to back-track all the way back to Series 1, it really wouldn't make sense unless you follow the show already. I can't wait to see the final part, which will air on January 2nd! It will be sad to see David Tennant leave the role, but excited to see how it will all happen on the tube.

This video clip is part of the Part 1, this particular sequence made me cry. It's very sad.

If you have not seen or don't know anything about "Doctor Who", I suggest that you queue it on your Netflix, or watch it on Youtube. It's a brilliant show, and it's for the whole family.

Part 2 of "Doctor Who: End of Time" is on Saturday, January 2nd, 6pm PST on BBC America!