
Since the last time I had a proper post…

I haven’t had a proper post in a while, save for a couple of random videos and such. I guess I’m just too lazy to think of things to write about. (haha) But, I thought I should just post a quick update on all the happenings during the past month.

My friends Norlyn and Mike got married a couple of weekends ago. It was a very nice, and intimate ceremony. I was asked to coordinate the music part of the ceremony (i.e. praise and worship, and the unity candle song). Norlyn asked me to sing a song called, “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” during the lighting of the unity candle. What a beautiful song it was, especially if your only background instrumentation is an acoustic guitar. The song speaks about the depth of God’s love for us, that He sacrificed His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us, even though He didn’t have to, because we don’t really deserve it. It was a great day altogether, and I’m very happy for the newly-weds!

Last weekend, 3/4ths of In Harmony (i.e. Joyce, Tine and I) along with Tine’s kids, Nevaeh and Tristen, went up to Alameda (near Oakland) to visit the other newly-weds, Prel and Jer, and spend Memorial Day weekend with them. Jer’s brother Nat, their good friend, Elson, and Joyce’s boyfriend, Gary, also came. It was a nice getaway from L.A. altogether.

That Sunday morning, we went to visit a church in Hayward called The Neighborhood Church, and was very blessed by the Pastor’s message. I can’t recall it right now (since it’s too early in the morning, I should be sleeping actually - LOL), but I did write down notes. I’ll share them with you when I get a chance. But a couple of things stuck to me about the message - even though I feel like my life is at a stand-still or that I haven’t accomplished anything, I have to remember that God isn’t finished with me yet. As the verse says, (can’t recall the reference, and I’m paraphrasing) “He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it”. When I think about the circumstances that have brought me to this point in my life thus far, I need to remember that God isn’t done yet. There’s more to come. Another thing that stuck to me was, some of us Christians don’t let the spirit of God work in our lives (or something to that effect) because it will be “too convicting”. We’re too afraid to face the fact that we’re not living Christ-like lives, or possibly don’t want to give up our worldly ways. I’ll try to expound more on that when I get a chance.

As far as my summer movie list is concerned, I’ve only seen one so far and that is Prince Caspian and all I have to say is, Orlando who? ahahahahahhahahahahaha

I have yet to see Iron Man (I know…LOL) and Indiana Jones (I know!)

On that note, I’m gonna get some zzzz’s.

Currently listening to: “Summertime” by NKOTB