
Is it 8pm yet?

I’m really, really sleepy right now. I’ve been sleepy since I got to work today. I’ve already had my Starbucks drink but didn’t have any kind of effect on me. I brewed some coffee here at work and helped myself with a cup - still no effect whatsoever! I don’t understand why I’m so sleepy. I slept considerably early last night (11-ish) and woke up around 9am! I don’t understand. (My eyes are actually half-closed as I’m typing this)

Southern California is experiencing a heatwave! Last Saturday was insanely sweltering hot, I didn’t know what to do with myself! And there’s no a/c at the apartment, so you can imagine how uncomfortable it was. Sunday wasn’t as bad, at least there was a breeze which made it a bit bearable. It has gotten better today, but it’s still 82 degrees outside and it’s almost 8pm. I should go to the beach or something. Anything to keep cool. A pool sounds good right about now.

Pray for the people of Iloilo City, Philippines. They were hit by a storm recently and lots of residents have lost their lives and have been displaced because of the flood that resulted. A pastor-friend’s family has been stuck on their rooftop without food for the past few days! Let’s lift them up in prayer.