
My week, summed up.

Earlier this week, I received sad news that the mom of a family friend passed away. My mom, aunt, and cousins and I went to the viewing on Tuesday night, to pay our last respects and show our love and support for the family. Old friends whom I haven’t seen in years were there and although it was a very sad occasion, it was quite heart-warming to see old familiar faces as well.

It’s been raining quite a bit this week. Not a fan of it, I must say. I hate driving in the rain for the most part. Last night was quite challenging in particular, driving home from my friends’ house. The rain was pouring quite hard, and as I was making my way to the freeway, I was debating whether I should just talk side streets home or hop on the freeway (which will be quicker). At the last minute, I decided to hop on the freeway. Boy, was that a bad idea! My tires were skidding (is that a word?), and I couldn’t pick up my speed because I know for sure I was going to fishtail it if I went any faster than 40 miles/hour (I know! On the freeway!). I prayed that the Lord would keep me safe, and He did. Mental note: Do not take the freeway when it’s pouring rain!

This week, I’ve been rediscovering Doctor Who. I haven’t had a chance to watch David Tennant as The Doctor, but I’ve been catching up on the season in which Christopher Eccleston is the Doctor, and I’m hooked! I just love him! I think he’s such a fantastic actor, who hasn’t really gotten a lot recognition up until last year, when he joined Heroes as Claude, the invisible man. I really hope his character comes back (didn’t he die? I can’t recall. But it’s TV, they can bring back characters who are supposedly dead - haha).

Last night, I went to see The Color Purple (the musical) with April, Babie and Cat. Wow! It was great! It was an enjoyable experience. I was laughing out loud in some parts, hootin’ n’ hollerin’ in some, and cried in some. At some points, I even felt like we were havin’ church! (*throws hands up in the air* “Weeelll…..”) Michelle Williams, of Destiny’s Child fame, played Shug Avery. At first, I didn’t quite know what to expect from her, but I thought she did a great job with that character. She had most of the “big” solos/duets. It was moving, and the actress who played Celie (I believe this was Whoopi Goldberg’s character in the film), was so engaging. Her name escapes me at the moment. I felt for her as Celie. You really don’t need to see the movie to appreciate the musical. I haven’t (I know, shame! - haha). Well, I’ve seen parts of it when it was shown on TV once, and have started reading the book when I was in highschool, but I’ve never seen (nor read) it in its entirety. If you haven’t seen the musical, I recommend you check it out.