
"Just and Illusion..."

Song lyrics from “Just an Illusion” by Kevin Max (formerly of DC Talk)

Loving the good life won’t produce your heaven on earth
The fatal seduction?
The assumption you can live without God in your life.

It is so simply put, but it drives the point across. Sadly, even Christians take on this mind-set. Some of us are so caught up in the trappings of this world, the line between being of Christ and being of this world is blurred to the point that the line is not there anymore. And they think it’s OK, because no one else sees the sin. But God does. We always here it said, “we can be in the world, but not of the world.” When are we taking a stand for Christ? We’d risk compromising our faith just so we can be with the “in” crowd? Jesus said, in Luke 21:17 (ESV), “You will be hated by all for my name’s sake.” And a lot of us can’t handle that because we worry too much about what the world thinks of us, than what God thinks of us. I hear people criticize fellow Christians for being “too Christian” or being in “the bubble” so-to-speak. I can understand why that can be a source of criticism. But when I think about it, some of these Christian brothers and sisters just strive to live a life worthy of the calling. Maybe the way they go about it could be viewed “legalistic” in some aspects, but their desires and intentions come from wanting to please God and show Him how much they love Him. Can I say the same thing for myself? Not quite, but hopefully, I can.

This year, I pray that the Lord will truly do some major changes in the way I view my life and this world. There are things I know that need a complete overhaul, and things that need reinforcing. I’m at a stage in my life where I need to be thankful for everything that God has provided me with. I don’t have a degree, and I know that people look at that as some sort of failure or disappointment. Therefore, I don’t have the “dream” job I’ve always wanted. I know I made wrong decisions in my life, and God showed me the consequences of those decisions, but He has led me out of those consequences, and is continuing to help me accept this part of my life. Who knows what the next year will bring? But I need to learn to be content, because God showed me that He is faithful and He continues to provide for my needs. I’ve learned how to live by faith. My prayer is for God to help me continue to focus on things that matter, things that are of His, and try to accomplish the work that He’s set out for me to do. Everything else is “just an illusion”.