
Sorry, so late… :(

A belated Merry Christmas goes out to all of you who read my blog! Hope you all had an awesome time celebrating with your family and friends, and managed to keep yourselves warm in the process. I had a great Christmas with my fam-bam, eventhough I had a headache, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless. Good food, and lots of laughter!

New Year’s fast approaching and I can’t wait for what’s in store next year. Praying for good health and lots of love and joy in the coming year. And I would like to avoid complications, if that’s possible. Let go and let God…

Tomorrow morning, In Harmony and Projekt Soul will be performing at the Tsunami Youth Conference (CA Southern Baptist Youth Convention) at the Long Beach Convention Centre. We will be doing 2 songs. Pray for us! We got to practice with PS last night and it sounded really cool. The general session starts at 10:30am. Also performing is Jami Smith (worship leader), the Youth Choir, and Francis Chan will be the speaker. Pray for us! May God be glorified!




I’m a bit frustrated and kind of annoyed. I want to stop feeling this way. I hope I get past this soon. I hate being in this situation. I need to get away. Please pray for me. Thanks.



I think I’ve finally achieved closure. I didn’t realize that I needed closure until recently. It feels good to have closure, very liberating. I feel like a thorn has been taken out of my heart. I cried. I haven’t had a good cry in a very long time. I didn’t cry tears of sadness, they were tears of relief actually. I feel like I’ve gotten back something that I’ve lost. I hope it continues this way. I am so thankful. I am finally ready to move on, completely, after all these years.

I went up to the Bay area last weekend for some concerts/gigs with Papuri. It was quite a hectic weekend, but such a blessing all the way through. We left LA early Friday morning, around 3:30am and arrived in San Bruno around 11am. We drove. Barely got any chance to take a nap, then we headed over to the Church of the Highlands at 4:30pm to do soundcheck, went back to Rey and Jemimah Lacap’s home, freshened up, got dressed and then headed back to the church for our concert at 7pm. Man alive, was I tired! My voice finally gave out during my solo, “Can’t Live A Day” (the Avalon song). I don’t exactly know how it sounded, I just knew that I had nothing left. I was surprised I could still go on for the rest of the concert. Anyway, it was a very exhausting night. I couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel and catch up on some sleep.

My dearest friend RC, and his wife Aimee came to the concert on Friday night, along with their adorable little boy, Xander. I was so thrilled to see them, especially Xander. I haven’t seen them since PJ’s wedding last year, and to see them again, this time with their baby boy was just a blessing. I really appreciate them for coming to the concert, driving 45 minutes, and with Xander not being fully recovered from his cold. It just means so much to me that they came.
Saturday, was an easy day for us. We sang at a mall in Serramonte, and then headed over to San Jose, for a concert at Full Gospel Christian Fellowship. This time around, I was relieved that I didn’t have to sing a solo, because my voice was just not cooperating at all. It was nice to just sit back and hear everyone else sing. After the concert, we had a really wonderful meal prepared for us by the Pastor’s wife, (lugaw and pan de sal), and then we decided to check out the Golden Gate Bridge at night because one of our guys in the group (Mel) has never been to the States before. It was his first trip to the US so we wanted to show him the Golden Gate Bridge. Let me tell yah, wasn’t quite a good idea to go check it out at night. We couldn’t really take a great picture of it since it was too dark out, and to top it all off, it was really, really cold! Anyway, we didn’t stay there that long, headed back to the hotel right after.

Sunday morning, sang a couple of songs at Rey and Jem’s church, Crossroads Christian Assembly, had lunch, then got ready at the Lacaps’ for our 5pm concert at Church of the Highlands again. This time around, my dear friends, Mark and Ruth, both of whom I’ve know since my days at Biola, came to see me. It was wonderful seeing them again, I wish I had more time to spend with them, but right after the COH concert, we had to rush over to Crossroads to do a short set. After Crossroads, we all headed over to Starbucks for a nightcap. That was quite a Sunday we had. Looking around the table, I couldn’t help but be amazed and thank God that I’m part of something special like Papuri. That night at the hotel, some of us got to spend some time just sharing blessings, burdens and concerns. We ended the night praying for each other. That was truly a blessing.

I miss San Bruno. I miss Jem and Rey. I can’t wait to go back. I’m already looking forward to our next concert.


My family left me… :(

Well, my family (including my mom) have gone off and boarded a boat to go on a 4-day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico…WITHOUT ME! *tears* So, I’m basically home alone.

Boredom sets in so, I’m doing a survey.

Who was the last person you . . .

1. You hung out with?
There were 3 people – Chiz, Aud & Loogie (hehe)

2. Rode in the car with

3. Went to the movies with?
Newie (we saw “Happy Feet”)

4. Went to the mall with?

5. You talked on the phone to?
My uncle (Pastor Joe or P - Joey)

6. Made you laugh?

7. Last person you told and/or they told you they loved you?
My mom

Would You Rather . . .

1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
Nose. It’s hard to sing with a pierced tongue.

2. Be serious or be funny?
Funny, with moments of seriousness.

3.Drink whole or skim milk?

4. Die in a fire or get shot?
Neither. But if I have to go, probably get shot, it’s faster. haha

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
Parental units

Answer Truthfully . . .

1. Do you like anyone?
My lips are sealed.

2. Sun or moon?

3. Winter or Fall?
Fall. Actually, I prefer Spring, I think it’s the most beautiful time of year.

4. left or right?

5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends?
2 bestfriends

6. Sunny or rainy?

7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
Mix them together

About You . . .

1. What time is it?

2. First Name?

3. Where do you wanna live?

4. How many kids do you want?
2 (a boy and a girl)

5. Do you want to get married?
Of course, Lord-willing!

6. Do you cook?
Yes, I do.

7. Current mood?
bored, but upbeat

In The Past 24 Hours Have You . . .

1. Sang?
yes, in the car on the way to work

2. Been hugged?
yes – ma mere

3. Felt stupid?
always! haha

4. Missed someone?

5. Danced Crazy?

7. Cried?

8. Lied?

Just Answer . . .

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops??

2. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding?
a very long time ago

3. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
as of now, I’d rather sleep alone.

4. Do you consider yourself creative?
at times.


Oh my! I almost forgot!

Congratulations to my very, very dear, best friend, Rizza (Damian) and her husband Joy Facun! They welcomed their first baby, Jaeden last November 22nd! She sent a picture of the baby via e-mail, and he looks sooo adorable. I’m so happy for them! I wish I could see the baby in person. Maybe someday, eh? Makes me want to have a baby. Oh wait, there’s one little problem, it’s called a husband and I don’t have one! haha I jest. I’m in no hurry. All in God’s time. Anyway, congrats to them!


Trying times.

Trials come in our lives either to bring us down or to make us stronger. It could either drive us away from God or draw us closer to Him. I prefer the latter on both counts. Why does it have to be so hard? *sigh* As you may have guessed, I’m going through a trial right now. Nothing devastating, but it’s still agonizing. I’m not saying that I wish I wasn’t going through this particular trial, but I wish I knew what to expect. But of course, you’ll never really know what to expect when you go through trials. The bright side of the whole thing is that it is drawing me closer to Him. It’s just that my human nature is in agony about it. *argh* I’m going to continue to set my sights on the Cross, let go of the reigns and let God do what He needs to do.

I’m going up north (the Bay area) next weekend! Papuri’s singing up in San Bruno on Friday (15th), Saturday (16th) and Sunday (17th), and then on Monday (18th) off to galavant and then head home. It’s going to be incredibly cold up there, I’m assuming, which will not help in my recovery at all. I’m barely getting rid of my cough. *sigh* I thought I was done with it, but it’s starting to act up again! I’ve been taking antibiotics, but for some reason, I’m getting the coughing fits again. *sigh* Please keep me in prayer.

Heroes - incredible! January 22nd is just too far away. *sigh*

Dreamgirls - December 25th. Anyone want to go?