
A new year is upon us.

Another year is drawing to a close. I can’t believe that in about 24 hours we will be ushering in 2006! There are so many things to be thankful for, but I wouldn’t bore anyone by listing it on this blog. However, I have to say that it’s been a good year. I think the most memorable part of 2005 for me would have to be the mission trip that I went to with my church group this past summer. It was definitely an eye-opening, faith-stretching experience. I pray for another opportunity to do that in 2006. Overall, I’m just grateful for family and friends – old and new – with whom I’ve grown and have learned from. I am grateful for those who have lifted me up in prayer, and who have continued to encourage me in my walk with Jesus. Looking forward to new and exciting things God has in store for the coming year!

To those who read my blog/journal/xanga, I just want to wish you all an amazing new year filled with blessings. May you experience the grace of God and get to know Him more intimately, and please continue to pray for me as I do the same.

think on me.

I found the lyrics to a poem that Mary, Queen of Scots wrote called "Think On Me", which was set to music by James Mulholland. I sang this song with the Biola University Chorale. One of the most moving pieces we've ever sung. The lyrics are so heart-wrenching, and if you get a chance to hear it sung, it's one of the most beautiful melodies you'll ever hear. I stumbled upon it while browsing for British history stuff online.

"When I no more behold thee, think on me.
By all thine eyes have told me, think on me.
When hearts are lightest, when eyes are brightest, when griefs are slightest,
Think on me.
Think, oh, think on me.
Think, think on me.

In all thine hours of gladness, think on me.
If e’er I soothed thy sadness, think on me.
When foes are by thee, when woes are nigh thee, when friends all fly thee,
Think on me.
Think, oh think on me.
Think, think on me.

When thou hast none to cheer thee, think on me.
When no fond heart is near thee, think on me.
When lonely sighing o’er pleasure flying,
When hope is dying, think on me.
Think, oh think on me.
Think, think on me"


Christmas time is here…

Just wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a blessed HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Stay warm, stay safe, and remember the true meaning of Christmas. :)


My wishlist.

Yes, I know it’s a little too late in the game, since Christmas is 3 days away. But here’s my wishlist anyway, just in case you’re stumped and don’t know what to get me for Christmas. Of course, there’s always my birthday. ;)


Have fun! hehe


Christmas in the Midwest next year?

My cousin and I are seriously contemplating on flying to the Minnesota area next year to see The Blenders' Christmas shows. We've heard great things about the shows and we've missed seeing those guys live, so we're planning on going to see them. :) Their new Christmas CD just came out last month. Another excellent CD.


Da Bulls!

I’m currently watching a rerun of Scottie Pippen’s jersey retirement ceremony. Scottie, Michael, Phil Jackson, Horace Grant, Bill Cartwright and Dennis Rodman. Man, memories. The Chicago Bulls of the ’90s was THE team (and still is), and I was the biggest fan you’d ever meet. Whenever I’d watch the NBA Finals with my guy friends, I would always be the only one cheering da Bulls on, and I would never fail to rub it in their faces whenever the Bulls would win, which was, of course, ALL THE TIME! haha Anyway, I think Scottie’s retirement was the final chapter of the glory days of the NBA. The NBA has never been the same since and will never be the same again.

And that, my friends, is my basketball commentary for today.

A Rockapella Christmas

First, let me say that, after seeing them tonight, I realized that I missed those guys. The concert was fantastic! They had an all-Christmas repertoire, which was understandable of course because of the season (duh!) BUT, I really wished they incorporated more of their non-Christmas stuff. But hey, I'll stop complaining because these guys did an amazing job! I absolutely loved their arrangement of "Angels We Have Heard on High" and Scott made my dream come true by singing "Christmas Without You". JB did a tap number (I forget in which song though - sorry), and the guys were just busting with choreography left and right! I enjoyed the "Silent Night" sing-along, and so of course, my friends and I, most of whom are singers/musicians, started singing harmonies, since the whole auditorium decided to just sing in unison. George seemed to have liked it and said that he'd like for all of us to join them on their Christmas tour (but I guess he says that everytime). They did sing "Papa Was A Rolling Stone" and "Carmen Sandiego" for the encore, and "Hold Out For Christmas" as a bonus - off-mic. That was beautiful. However, I really wanted to hear the new non-Christmas songs that I'd been hearing about for the past few months, but I guess they're just going to have to come back some other time for that (just like Jeff promised).

We didn't stay for the meet-and-greet, but on our way to the parking lot, we did run into the guys as they hopped onto this golf-cart which would take them to the M&G site. So, Jeremy asked me if I wanted to say "hi". I said, "why not?!" I, then, took out my camera and ambushed them with a picture. Kevin, realizing who I was, hopped off the cart and gave me a big hug (awww KW, you're too cool)! My cousins and our other friends, realizing that I was talking to the guys, ran towards us, and it seemed like the guys were really genuinely glad to see us. Jeff kept telling us that they'll be back for more shows next year. I told him they better. Scott, who was lagging, finally hopped onto the cart as they were being wheeled away, but I managed to say "hi" to him, and he looked at me and said "Aura, right?" and I said "yeah!". Scott has just scored major "awesome" points for remembering my name after not having seen me in over a year! What are the odds of him remembering my name, after having met thousands of people over the span of his 15-year career with Rockapella?! Yeah, so I love Scott. hehe

I'll post the picture that I took of the guys when I ambushed them with my camera sometime tomorrow. For now, I'm gonna go get some sleep. *yawn* Good morning! ;)



Here's our group, right outside the venue, right before running into Rockapella. Okay, so it's not exactly a golfcart, but it's a cart nonetheless. Check out Scott lagging behind. Smile boys!

A Rockapella Christmas - Cal Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA - December 9, 2005

First, let me say that, after seeing them tonight, I realized that I missed those guys. The concert was fantastic! They had an all-Christmas repertoire, which was understandable of course because of the season (duh!) BUT, I really wished they incorporated more of their non-Christmas stuff. But hey, I'll stop complaining because these guys did an amazing job! I absolutely loved their arrangement of "Angels We Have Heard on High" and Scott made my dream come true by singing "Christmas Without You". JB did a tap number (I forget in which song though - sorry), and the guys were just busting with choreography left and right! I enjoyed the "Silent Night" sing-along, and so of course, my friends and I, most of whom are singers/musicians, started singing harmonies, since the whole auditorium decided to just sing in unison. George seemed to have liked it and said that he'd like for all of us to join them on their Christmas tour (but I guess he says that everytime). They did sing "Papa Was A Rolling Stone" and "Carmen Sandiego" for the encore, and "Hold Out For Christmas" as a bonus - off-mic. That was beautiful. However, I really wanted to hear the new non-Christmas songs that I'd been hearing about for the past few months, but I guess they're just going to have to come back some other time for that (just like Jeff promised). We didn't stay for the meet-and-greet, but on our way to the parking lot, we did run into the guys as they hopped onto this golf-cart which would take them to the M&G site. So, Jeremy asked me if I wanted to say "hi". I said, "why not?!" I, then, took out my camera and ambushed them with a picture. Kevin, realizing who I was, hopped off the cart and gave me a big hug (awww KW, you're too cool)! My cousins and our other friends, realizing that I was talking to the guys, ran towards us, and it seemed like the guys were really genuinely glad to see us. Jeff kept telling us that they'll be back for more shows next year. I told him they better. Scott, who was lagging, finally hopped onto the cart as they were being wheeled away, but I managed to say "hi" to him, and he looked at me and said "Aura, right?" and I said "yeah!". Scott has just scored major "awesome" points for remembering my name after not having seen me in over a year! What are the odds of him remembering my name, after having met thousands of people over the span of his 15-year career with Rockapella?! Yeah, so I love Scott. hehe I'll post the picture that I took of the guys when I ambushed them with my camera sometime tomorrow. For now, I'm gonna go get some sleep. *yawn* Good morning! ;)


When I say “happy”, you say “birthday!”

Happy Birthday to my lovely cousin (and momma to the most beatiful babies ever, Nevaeh Jane and Tristen Jade), Christine! Keep growing in God’s grace, and may He grant the desires of your heart as you seek to follow Him. :) Love yah!