

Wow. It’s been a while since I last posted. I’ve been incredibly busy and just didn’t have enough time to sit and write my usual random anecdotes. Stress is a pain. I tried not to stress out, but these past couple of months have been so hectic, everything just started coming down on me, like an avalanche. Praise God I came out of it with my sanity intact (or whatever was left of it). I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving week. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to just veg out and absolutely not do anything. Well, except maybe hang out with the girls and watch Rent coming out on the 23rd.

Besides that, I have no news to tell, except for the fact that I cut my hair short again. I got tired of putting it up in a ponytail, so I decided to get a cut. Still a bit long in the back, so I might go in next month to just trim a couple of inches off. What else is there? Ooh… I met Jason Mraz. It was a brief meeting, but he was nice, and extremely skinny. LOL The concert was great, he sounded great. It was a great night of music altogether. And I guess that’s about it. Nothing too exciting really. I’m telling you, I don’t have much of a so-called social life. It’s pretty much work, home and church for me for the past couple of months. I’m glad I have church to look forward to during the week (mid-week and the weekend), otherwise I’d be pulling my hair out right about now. LOL

Well, I think I’m going to turn in. My contacts are drying up, I need to take them out before I sleep with them on.