

There are just some people that you can’t reason with, no matter how hard you try. And they have the nerve to yell at you, talk to you like they own the world or something. Man! Of course, I can’t really do anything about it. When you’re in the customer service business, you’ll always have to keep a level head in dealing with people no matter how unreasonable they are. As they say, “the customer is always right”. Mmhmm… sure, whatever. Not all the time, that’s for sure!Arrrghhh!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to vent. Made me think about Bible study last night. We talked about thinking as a servant of Christ. We are encourage to practice servanthood when we are treated unfairly, or treated like we’re inferior to others. I’m trying to practice having the mindset of a servant right now but, seriously, I just want to punch something! Ugh!!! Lord, help!

Thanks for letting me vent. *sigh*