
One Day More!!!

I’ve just finished watching the 10th year anniversary concert of Les Miserables on DVD and I just got goosebumps! If you’re going to get only one recording of this musical, you should get this one, the one that they did at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1995 with an all-star cast. Colm Wilkinson was brilliant as Jean Valjean and is the best JVJ in the history of this musical. Of course, Lea Salonga was fantastic as Eponine (and the best Eponine, imho). Anyway, in this particular concert, they had all the artists that performed Jean Valjean from all over the world are sing “Do You Hear the People Sing?”, which was brilliant, but you know what floored me? The Japanese Jean Valjean. You know why? It’s the guy from Iron Chef! The chairman/mc! I couldn’t believe it! haha That’s why he’s always so theatrical. Now I get it. LoL