

There are just some people that you can’t reason with, no matter how hard you try. And they have the nerve to yell at you, talk to you like they own the world or something. Man! Of course, I can’t really do anything about it. When you’re in the customer service business, you’ll always have to keep a level head in dealing with people no matter how unreasonable they are. As they say, “the customer is always right”. Mmhmm… sure, whatever. Not all the time, that’s for sure!Arrrghhh!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to vent. Made me think about Bible study last night. We talked about thinking as a servant of Christ. We are encourage to practice servanthood when we are treated unfairly, or treated like we’re inferior to others. I’m trying to practice having the mindset of a servant right now but, seriously, I just want to punch something! Ugh!!! Lord, help!

Thanks for letting me vent. *sigh*


One Day More!!!

I’ve just finished watching the 10th year anniversary concert of Les Miserables on DVD and I just got goosebumps! If you’re going to get only one recording of this musical, you should get this one, the one that they did at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1995 with an all-star cast. Colm Wilkinson was brilliant as Jean Valjean and is the best JVJ in the history of this musical. Of course, Lea Salonga was fantastic as Eponine (and the best Eponine, imho). Anyway, in this particular concert, they had all the artists that performed Jean Valjean from all over the world are sing “Do You Hear the People Sing?”, which was brilliant, but you know what floored me? The Japanese Jean Valjean. You know why? It’s the guy from Iron Chef! The chairman/mc! I couldn’t believe it! haha That’s why he’s always so theatrical. Now I get it. LoL


Staying up late.

Well, as usual, I’m up late, so I decided to update. It’s been awhile since I last posted, hasn’t it? “So, what’s new?” you say. The past couple of weeks ushered in new blood. A baby boy has been added to our Porras clan, Tristen Jade is his name. He’ll be a heartbreaker, I could tell already. And he already has proven that he’s a prankster, being born on the day of his momma’s baby shower. He wanted to be in on the action already! That kid is going to be a ruckus! LoL Right now, all he does is eat, sleep and poop. Such is the life, eh? haha

Yesterday, I had to play the piano for praise and worship again. I get really nervous everytime I have to play the piano for praise and worship. I just need to practice more I guess. But I noticed that whenever I play the fast, upbeat worship songs, I tend to get “bass-heavy” to keep the rhythm going. LOL I don’t know, it just happens. Usually, I’m okay with the slow songs, although I hit a sour note here-and-there. Well, I just keep thinking to myself, I’m just going to shut out everyone and just focus on singing to the Lord, which often works and I get less nervous. It’s all about what’s in your heart, right?

Much to do this weekend. I’m actually getting a day off this Saturday! Whoo-hoo! Go me! I haven’t had a day off in months! I will be spending my morning just spending some quiet time at home and maybe hang out with my mom, if she isn’t doing any errands. And in the afternoon, I’ll be going with April to check out the USC vs. WASU game. Should be fun. Also, this coming Sunday will be Charis Music’s (Yamaha’s non-profit) “Singer Showcase”. I’m a bit anxious about this, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. The kids are ready to perform. And I hope it’s not as chaotic as it was last year. I’m pretty sure it won’t be, we’ve been preparing for this thing the whole year. Unlike like last year, when everything was done last-minute! Sunday will be a long day, but it should be good.

Saw Rockapella this past weekend. Elliott’s gone, but his replacement did not disappoint. John is his name and a very experienced performer. He brings a different energy and dynamic to the group. It was like I was seeing a whole different group altogether. They seemed rejuvenated.

I seem to be enjoying work lately. I enjoy being with my co-workers and establishing relationships with them. I just pray that I continue to be good witness to them. And I pray that God would open up doors for me to be able to share the Gospel to them.


Rockapella Concert - St. Joseph's High School, Lakewood, CA - October 14, 2004

The news of Elliott leaving really saddened me. He was the last original member of the group and was a huge part of its history. I couldn’t imagine how they would sound with a new member. And I knew that we would probably never hear Elliott’s staple songs like “Don’t Do It”, “Kingdom of Shy”, and “No Doubt At All” live ever again. Will it be a totally different group altogether? Well, those questions were answered on October 15th at St. Joseph’s High School in Lakewood, CA. I was going to see for the very first time, the new member of Rockapella, Elliott’s successor, John K. Brown. I didn’t know what to expect and what was in store for all of us. Man, what I witnessed eased whatever apprehensions I may have had quickly! Before I go on, I will not even try to compare Elliott to John and vice-versa. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. They are 2 different people, 2 different performers, with different styles and different stage presence. Elliott is in a category all his own, so there is no need to compare him to anyone else. He’s a class-act all the way! Elliott’s presence was missed. But John brought something different to the table that gave the guys a different kind of vibe, a different kind of energy. What incredibly surprised me was that the boys moved…A LOT! It was such a treat to see them dancing, and doing all these fancy choreography. And the best part was, the new choreography didn’t take away anything from any of the songs, especially the familiar ones on their concert repertoire. The choreography added to the songs and gave the guys a chance to let loose, to “get funky” if you will. I really enjoyed the upbeat songs, especially “Rock the Boat”. The “Stomp” routine that John and Kevin did made my jaw drop! It hit the floor hard! John can sing. Not just “sing” but “ssaaiiinnnngg”. His voice blends really well with Scott and Kevin, as they all have pretty similar timbre in their voices, especially Kevin and John. It was a little hard to distinguish their voices apart from each other because they sound very similar at times. It was great! I did miss “Pretty Woman”, but “Ain’t Too Proud To Beg” ain’t too shabby, however. They introduced a new song that was untitled at the time, about a California sad eyed girl. I took it upon myself to call the song “California Sad Eyed Girl” and I think they should just go with that as the title of the song. It’s the one line that sticks out the most anyway. Well, this song has such a beautiful melody to it, and very heart-breaking lyrics, it has the makings of another “Don’t Tell Me You Do”. I’m assuming it’s a Scott original. Mr. Leonard, I am in awe. Where did you get the inspiration? You are brilliant. I take my hat off to you for penning another beautiful masterpiece. After the show, we were able to say hello to the guys while they were signing our cds. It was very cool of Scott to remember all of our names, although he butchered mine a little bit. LOL But it’s okay, he got it right a few times before. Jeff and Kevin were very sweet as well. I was a little flustered while talking to Jeff, and he noticed. I don’t know why, maybe because I realized I was talking to Jeff. *wink* I enjoyed the show immensely! It was like seeing Rockapella again for the first time! Congratulations on snatching up John! He’s quite a find. I’m looking forward to more shows, hopefully in the spring. See you all soon!



Taken during our trip to San Francisco this past August. That’s Pauline, me and April at the Frisson Lounge. Do you see that huge cup of mocha right in front of me? LoL

Papuri at a concert we did in L.A. this past May.

The Papuri girls.


Since my last entry…

Since my last entry….

…I saw the NYC Ballet at the Orange County Center for the Performing Arts;

…I watched “My Sassy Girl” with April, Cat and Babie, but never finished it; (still waiting to finish watching it, argh!)

…We had our Wednesday young adults’ Bible study at my new place for the first time since we moved;

…I went to the gym a grand total of *drum roll* 2, count ‘em, TWO times! LoL

…I finally bought boba at Guppy Tea House and didn’t like it Bummer. The taro was too sweet.

Exciting times, isn’t it? haha

Nate, why don’t you come up with a story of why I landed in jail…


Is this really me?

Take the quiz: “What does your birth month reveal about you?”

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent andclever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

Pretty accurate, for the most part.


Pray for this country.

To my brothers and sisters in Christ, whether you’re for Bush or for Kerry, I just ask that you continue to pray for this amazing country. And pray that God’s will would prevail in this coming election. Everyone’s afraid of war and death, but those things are imminent. It’s a prelude to what’s ahead. The end is nearing and you could tell that it is just by what’s happening with society and the world these days. Morality is on a downhill course. The subject of God and Jesus Christ is becoming “taboo”. Like Kanye West said in the song “Jesus Walks”,

So here go my single dog radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won’t get played Huh?

You can talk about anything you wish to talk about except for God. See how morality is so twisted and low now?

It’s sad that people care more about who the next president would be than their own eternal destiny. I think people should really worry about that more than anything. Everything in life is temporal. We’re not going to be in this world for long. We’re so afraid of war and of death, and I know that it’s hard not to be, but if we know that we are in Christ, we shouldn’t be afraid. Our security is in Him. Here’s a passage I’d like to share,

1The LORD is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold[1] of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?

2When evildoers assail me
to eat up my flesh,
my adversaries and foes,
it is they who stumble and fall.

3Though an army encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise against me,
yet[2] I will be confident.

4One thing have I asked of the LORD,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to inquire[3] in his temple.

5For he will hide me in his shelter
in the day of trouble;
he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
he will lift me high upon a rock.

6And now my head shall be lifted up
above my enemies all around me,
and I will offer in his tent
sacrifices with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make melody to the LORD.

Psalm 27:1-6 (ESV)

I didn’t watch the debate because I just know that I would get very upset. If Bush gets re-elected I would like for him to find a way to improve his foreign policy, and continue to find a solution in this war against terrorism. And most importantly, I would like for him to continue to stand firm in his faith in God and our Lord Jesus and continue to fight the good fight. If Kerry is elected, may he find Jesus Christ, make Him Savior and Lord of his life, and may he ask the Lord for wisdom and seek His guidance in whatever decisions he would make for the country.

An “aw…shucks” moment.

I have a cool aunt. She brought me lunch to work today. Thanks Tita Pat! :)