
Take 6!!!

I don’t even know where to begin! Tonight, I went to see Take 6 and jazz woodwinds player (soprano sax and flute) Najee’ at the Cerritos Performing Arts Centre with some of my friends from Papuri and other friends. It was incredible! Especially Take 6!!! I’ve admired this group for so long, discovered them in the late ’80s/early ’90s and tonight was the first time I’ve ever seen them perform live. They were the ones who introduced me to the genre of a cappella/vocal jazz. Before discovering them, I was oblivious to a cappella/vocal jazz music in general. I’ve seen other vocal groups, specifically those who are in the same genre as they are in (e.g. Rockapella, m-pact, etc…), but seeing Take 6 could not even compare to those other experiences. I love seeing those groups perform, but Take 6 just completely blew me away. Man… they’re in a category all their own. Every vocal group performance that I will be seeing from now on will be compared to what I saw tonight. These guys are gifted! Incredibly talented, they all have amazing stage presence, and their vocals, almost flawless! If you’re a fan of the instrument known as the voice, and if Take 6 happens to be in your area, I highly recommend that you go check them out.

OK, enough of my gushing. Btw, I’m coming to you online straight from mi casa! Whoo-hoo! I’ve finally set up my DSL connection at home. :) I’m movin’ on up in the cyberworld! haha

Also, Nate has started this whole thing about having people sign my chatterbox. Instead of using AIM or Yahoo! Messenger, he’s asking everyone to chat using my chatterbox. Feel free to participate if you have nothing better to do. LoL

Well, I’m going to get some zzz’s now. I have to get up for work tomorrow. Latah.