
Today’s events.

Well, work was quite uneventful today. Other than lifting boxes filled with Yamaha music ed materials all day and preparing them for the new group classes that we’re starting next week, it was pretty much a quiet day. Incredibly enough, the phones weren’t ringing off the hook and there weren’t a lot of walk-in inquiries as well. My back is now a little strained after much lifting, however. I think I just forced myself to do too much. Ah well, I’m starting to feel it right about now. I guess I should take some Tylenol before bed.

Last night at Bible study, we talked about our spiritual gifts (based on 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4) and how God gave them to us as His children to fulfill our purpose in life, and as a result I decided to take one of those “spiritual gifts” test and find out what my spiritual gifts are. My top 3, according to the test, were (and their description): the gift of Music (a special gift whereby the Spirit enables certain Christians to praise God through various forms of music and enhance the worship experience of the local congregation), the gift of Faith (a special gift whereby the Spirit provides Christians with extraordinary confidence in God’s promises, power, and presence so that they can take heroic stands for their future of God’s work in the church), and the gift of Serving (special gift whereby the Spirit empowers certain Christians to identify unmet needs of people and implement plans to meet those needs. Serving one another, like witnessing, is a calling of all Christians, but there are some who have a special desire to find ways to serve, and get great blessing from it. There seems to be a special desire to meet physical needs in the people who have this gift).

The gift of Music is probably the most obvious one for me out of the 3, but the other 2 were somewhat of a surprise to me. I guess I was never really aware that those are actually spiritual gifts, and even more of a surprise that I may possibly have been given those gifts. I just probably haven’t tapped into those as much. That little exercise made me more aware of these gifts and utilize them more and more as I walk daily with Christ and continue to learn from His teachings.

Each of us have been given spiritual gifts by God and we are to use them to benefit the body of believers. Gifts that are not used are of no value. Do we all know what your spiritual gifts are? Something to think and pray about.

4Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; 6and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 7To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good…11All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.

1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 11 (ESV)


What a Blessing!

I just came home from my friend Blessing’s birthday concert and I have to say that she really is a ‘blessing’, not only to me, but to everyone who has her as a part of their life. Her testimony of how God has been faithful to her and how she has dedicated her life for service to God is an inspiration. Thanks Bless for asking me to be a part of your concert. I miss singing with you! I’m privileged to call you a friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (on Thursday)



I drove all the way up to Sausalito for my Dirt Water! LoL


A picture to share with you…

Taken at Kabuki for JJ’s birthday last Saturday.

That’s Yum, Tiff and me. (That’s Earl with his finger up his nose. LoL)


Take 6!!!

I don’t even know where to begin! Tonight, I went to see Take 6 and jazz woodwinds player (soprano sax and flute) Najee’ at the Cerritos Performing Arts Centre with some of my friends from Papuri and other friends. It was incredible! Especially Take 6!!! I’ve admired this group for so long, discovered them in the late ’80s/early ’90s and tonight was the first time I’ve ever seen them perform live. They were the ones who introduced me to the genre of a cappella/vocal jazz. Before discovering them, I was oblivious to a cappella/vocal jazz music in general. I’ve seen other vocal groups, specifically those who are in the same genre as they are in (e.g. Rockapella, m-pact, etc…), but seeing Take 6 could not even compare to those other experiences. I love seeing those groups perform, but Take 6 just completely blew me away. Man… they’re in a category all their own. Every vocal group performance that I will be seeing from now on will be compared to what I saw tonight. These guys are gifted! Incredibly talented, they all have amazing stage presence, and their vocals, almost flawless! If you’re a fan of the instrument known as the voice, and if Take 6 happens to be in your area, I highly recommend that you go check them out.

OK, enough of my gushing. Btw, I’m coming to you online straight from mi casa! Whoo-hoo! I’ve finally set up my DSL connection at home. :) I’m movin’ on up in the cyberworld! haha

Also, Nate has started this whole thing about having people sign my chatterbox. Instead of using AIM or Yahoo! Messenger, he’s asking everyone to chat using my chatterbox. Feel free to participate if you have nothing better to do. LoL

Well, I’m going to get some zzz’s now. I have to get up for work tomorrow. Latah.

Nap time.

I meant to take a nap this afternoon, but I was trying to figure out what’s wrong with my computer, some weird virus infiltrated it and I had to figure out how to get rid of it. It’s a good thing I was able to get rid of it (I think). Some virus called ‘Sasser worm’. Anyway, by the time I got done with fixing the problem, it’s already 9pm. No point in taking that nap now, is there? LoL

As I am typing this, I am watching ‘The Wedding Planner’ on TV. Will someone tell me why I’m watching this?

Well, that’s all for now. I should go get some sleep. Sunday tomorrow, the Lord’s day. Need to get up early for Sunday school. ‘Nite.



A quick update.

Praise God for He has carried me through this recent trial that I was experiencing (go back a couple of entries). I clung to Him and didn’t act on impulse, which could’ve led to a major heartbreak on my part yet again, and because of that, He spared me from going through a lot of emotional pain. As hard as it was for me not to indulge myself in the situation and let my heart rule my mind, I was able to turn away from the situation and look to Jesus. Thank you, Lord!

Another praise is that my mom and I finally moved! We didn’t move far from where we used to live, it basically down the street, but in a different city. I’m excited. It’s just my mom and I now. It’s part of us moving on with our lives. God has granted us a second lease in life. It’s been over 3 years now since my dad passed away. We miss him, but I believe the Lord wants us to move on. But we will always cherish the memories we have with my dad. :) We also appreciate my uncle and aunt for taking my mom and I in for so long. We love them and we praise God for them. May God continue to bless them and their household a thousand-fold!

Belated birthday greetings go out to JJ and Herb. The flaya-flayas…haha Had a great time with CFBC peeps last Saturday at Kabuki for JJ’s b-day. We had so much sushi, Yum and I were in food coma. LoL Too much food! But it was grub though!

If you don’t have Jason Mraz’s ‘Tonight, Not Again’ DVD, y’all should go and get it. Have I mentioned that he’s a fave? LoL

I’m seeing Take 6 this weekend at the Cerritos Performing Arts! Whoo-hoo! Exciting!


A little dilemma…

Should I go home and start sorting my stuff out and get ready to pack everything for our move or should I go and meet up with the FSBM kids and watch Napoleon Dynamite? LoL

Oh btw, we’re moving!…not back to Canada, just to a different residence altogether. ;)

I’m waiting for my pictures from SF to upload, it’s taking forever! I just might give up and try again tomorrow.