God’s timing is really incredible. Things happen when you least expect it. I’m going through a trial right now, as it were, and it sort of blindsided me, took me completely by surprise, and all I have to say is “praise God!” because this trial is causing me to become a lot closer to Him. I’m a little scared but at the same time excited for what God has in store. Maybe this trial is a preparation for a bigger event. I’m trying to be more patient this time, to really listen to His voice. I’ve cried out to Him. I need to seek His wisdom in this trying time. I need to “count it all joy” when I face various trials, “for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness” (James 1:3). And that’s what I’m looking forward to, becoming steadfast, immovable as I go through this trial.

That’s all for now. I’ll add more tomorrow. Have some pictures to share.