
Universal Studios!

Praise God for Bible study last night! Babie fasted for this one particular person and he actually came and sat in during our Bible study last night and even joined in on our discussion! It was great! You see, this person isn’t a believer and we’ve been praying for him to join Bible study and he did last night! God answered our prayers! Hopefully that will not be the first nor the last time he joins us! I think I will be fasting this time!

Last Tuesday was my cousin April’s birthday! 25th babee! Whoo-hoo! We had a great dinner at this Italian restaurant called Trastavere right next to the Kodak Theatre on Hollywood and Highland. Food was divine! Yummy stuff! It wasn’t too pricey which was great.

Went to Universal Studios with Audrey and Chiz today. That was fun! They have this promo right now where if you buy a general admission ticket, you get a one-year pass to the park! So, we can go back to the park whenever we want to this year! Pretty cool deal if I say so myself.

Well, my vacation is officially over and tomorrow I must get back to work. *sigh* Oh well.