
Reunions and stuff about Ralph. LOL

Ralph asked me if I ever found my voice…No Ralph, it’s still ‘lost’. I need you to help me find it. LOL It’s incredible what you can do as far as worship is concerned when you can’t sing during praise and worship because you lost your voice. Last Saturday was a little more engaging spiritually than usual for me during praise and worship at the SYC Reunion. I wasn’t able to sing, but for some reason, it seemed like my worship was deeper than usual just by lifting up my hands and really giving it all to God as everyone else sang around me. Out of my frustration, I just cried out to God and opened up myself to Him. It was great.

Speaking of the SYC reunion, everyone seemed to have had a great time. One observation however was that it just went on a little too long. But then, it was just probably us 3 cranky ‘old’ ladies in the back (i.e. Tine, Babie and me) that thought it went on too long. Blame it on lack of sleep and a very long day beginning with a very, VERY early trip to Bakersfield for the FSBM Quarterly meeting that morning. We were there ’til about 2pm and got home roughly around 4:30pm, giving us about roughly an hour to rest and get ready to head over to Pasadena for the SYC reunion. Believe me, we were cranky by the end of the day! haha

One highlight during the SYC event for me was Marlon singing “I Can Only Imagine” while playing his guitar and Tubie playing the piano along with him. It was quite a poignant moment during the whole thing. I was blessed. It was simple yet moving.