
Rockapella Concert - The Lobero Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA - October 19, 2002

One thing that I was most anticipating about this show was seeing George Baldi perform a full show with the guys for the first time. I had the privilege of getting a "foretaste of things-to-come" last summer at B.B. King's in NYC, when George first hit the stage with the guys and (lucky me!) Sean Altman. He only did a couple of songs with them, but it was enough for me to know that this guy is the REAL DEAL, and Saturday night in Santa Barbara confirmed that. The man is awesome! His camaraderie with the guys is great, it made it seem like he's been performing with them for years! He has the smoothest, beautiful deep voice. And the man CAN dance! Overall, he did an amazing job. Congratulations Rockapella, for snatching this guy up! My favorite moment of the show: DANCE WITH ME. The guys doing the "electric slide" - that just absolutely blew me away! LOL I wanted to get up and do the "slide" with them! I had to restrain myself! LOL Hearing about it was one thing, but actually seeing it is another! Get down wit' yo bad selves! And I absolutely applaud Elliott for doing it! Adorable! Now, if Jeff had only gotten into the act! The Pretty Woman of the night (Karla) did a fabulous job! She sashayed up on stage much to the delight of the guys and the audience, by the end of the night, she had gained some fans! For some reason Kevin developed a fixation on her toe-ring and the whole time the guys were singing to her, Kevin kept checking her toe-ring out. Soon, the rest of the guys followed suit! It certainly is one of the most amusing PW moments I've ever seen. The auction was very entertaining, to say the least! And the guys were being very, *ahem* "naughty." LOL Let me just say that they had my friends and me in stitches the whole time during the auction, with all the random comments, butt-sweat and other oddities. (You had to be there, LOL) They auctioned off 2 copies of "Comfort and Joy"- the forthcoming Christmas offering from the guys. One of the copies had a certain Rockapella member's butt-sweat all over it (long story, LOL)! They also auctioned off Christmas ornaments with recording capabilities (from Brookstone) and each ornament had a personal recorded message from each Rockapella member, my absolute favorite would have to be Scott's. It's hard to describe why it's my fave, I can attempt to but it's better to "hear" it for yourself. Again, it's one of those things where you just had to be there to appreciate it. ;-) My cousin made a bid on a bracelet from Tiffany's, and WON! Very exciting! As soon as she saw the Tiffany-blue bag, she just HAD to make a bid! Big plus was that each of the guys kissed the bracelet, well, I guess except for Elliott, he was the last one to get the bracelet, I think he had to pass on kissing it. (I wasn't there when all of this was happening, had to get up and go to the little girl's room) I can't really blame him…LOL All in all, the auction was a success. It was great to see and get to chat with the guys again during the Meet and Greet. Thanks for the hugs, the smiles and the fun banter. It was also exciting to hear from Scott that they will be back in Southern Cali once again before the year ends! Their next SoCal show will be in December in Santa Ana, CA at the Galaxy Theatre. Looking forward to that show….Thanks again Rockapella for being so warm and accommodating, and for putting on a great show, as usual! My newbie friends loved you guys! See you at the next SoCal show!