
At a crossroads.

Yet again, I have found myself at a crossroads in my life. I don't know what's gonna happen this time. Deep down, I have resolved that if I ever decide to go back to school again, I would go back to finish my music degree, or at least do something that's performance-related. Well, just a few weeks ago, I had found out that I could only stay at this job that I'm at for 6 months, and then I'm out. Oddly enough, I was anticipating that this would happen. Coincidentally, on the same day that I found out, I was looking at My Yahoo! and I happened to stumble upon my horoscope. Being a Christian, who believes that I don't own my future, and that God is the one who holds my tomorrow, I normally don't believe in horoscopes and all that non-sense. However, that particular day when I happened to read it, I thought that that was the best affirmation I've had in my entire life. Maybe, God, in His own way, used it to tell me something. The horoscope that day read,

"It may be time to think about a career move, dear Aquarius. You are incredibly
creative, much more than you give yourself credit for. That needs to change.
What is the point in doing a job if it is only for the pay? You have a lot to
contribute to this world, and in fact have an obligation to do so. Today, start
to brainstorm ways you can put your talents to better use."

That was it. It hit the nail right on the proverbial head! It was exactly what I'd been feeling and thinking for a long time now, and what exactly I needed to see. It gave me the confidence to look forward to what's going to happen, and what God has in store for me. That is why I have decided to go back to music. I want to go back to school. This time, I'm determined to do it. It may take forever, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice. I've slacked off all this time, and I don't see myself doing this job permanently. Like the horoscope said, what's the point of staying at a job you have no interest in, if it's only for the pay? It's like this big bell going off in my head! Anyway, I feel good about my decision so far, and I know that by God's grace, everything would work out. So far, I have only been in contact with one school, AMDA in NYC. The admissions counsellor is very helpful, and loads of fun! I have yet to contact someone from Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. It's always been one of my dream schools, but when I had the opportunity to apply there right out of high school, I chickened out because I was too afraid and too dependent on my parents. Berklee's a little tougher to swallow, and I could just imagine the competition. But the quality of education I would get and the people I would get to meet and work with would be worth all the struggles. I would definitely become a better musician because of it. I'm praying that Berklee would accept me. *gets on knees and starts praying*