
Rockapella Concert - The Starlight Bowl, Burbank, CA - August 6, 2000

It had been approximately a year since I first saw Rockapella in concert at the Starlight Bowl and seeing them again in the same venue of that fateful day was like going full-circle for me. It had also been about 3 months since the Troubadour show so I was all ready to get my a cappella fix. What was also exciting was that April and I were getting to see another awesome a cappella group, The Blenders, who were also at the Bowl that previous summer. It was like a big reunion for us! (LOL) When we first got there, we found some great seats close enough to get a good view, but we later left those seats and situated ourselves right in front of the stage to get a closer view of the Boys. After gettin' our groove on during The Blenders set and having our pictures taken with them and our CDs signed, we were finally ready for our beloved Rockapella. During the opener, which was "I Am Your Man," I managed to wave hi at Bear, Kev, El and Scott. It was really cool when each of them smiled back and/or winked. I finally was able to say hi to Jeff right after they did "Use Me." I was able to catch his attention (which was hard to accomplish, btw, when he's on-stage since he's in his own little VP world most of the time) when after Barry announced that JT was "singing and drumming" at the same time, I yelled, "Yeah, Jeff! You go!" which, I think, startled him! (Sorry JT, didnt mean to give you a heart-attack there! LOL) He looked up, scoped out the crowd, and when he saw me, I waved at him and he smiled! Anyway, they did their usual concert repertoire. Especially entertaining was the "Pretty Woman" segment because the lady that they picked turned out to be a chiropractor, and as soon as the Boys found out, they all fought for a chance for a back massage from her! Kevin won out though, getting a laugh from the crowd as he grimaced in pain while she tried to crack his back. (LOL) The Boys gave a great concert, as usual, but before we even knew it, it was all over. Again, April and I decided to hang around after the show, hoping for another meet-and-greet (they didn't have one the year before because they had to fly out that night to do another concert the next day). We waited for a few minutes, but then gave up, so we decided to head out. However, on our way out, we heard one of the volunteers at the Bowl announce that the Boys will be out shortly to meet with the fans. We immediately headed back and stood in line. It was nice to be able to speak with the Boys again and it was really cool that they remembered us from the "Eat and Greet" 3 months before! I was able to get a hug from all of them, and was even able to get a "you smell good" compliment from one particular Rockapella member ;-)! (LOL) After we got all our Rocka-stuff signed, we said goodbye to the Boys and told them that we will see them in Santa Barbara.