
Rockapella In-Store Performance - The Virgin Megastore, Ontario Mills, Ontario, CA - May 2, 2000

This was an extra-special day for my cousin (and fellow-Rockapellaholic) April and I. We won a call-in radio contest for an opportunity to do an "Eat-and-Greet" with Rockapella and for a chance to watch the guys in the front row to the Virgin Megastore performance afterwards. We were escorted into the store by Bob Morrison, J-Bird VP of Sales and Promotion, and walked right into "Moments of You." A good-sized crowd had already formed and Bob escorted us to the front of the stage, along with the other "Eat-and-Greet" contest winners. The guys gave an excellent performance and after doing a handful of pre-selected songs, they got the crowd involved and asked for requests. We were so delighted that the guys obliged to our request, which was "Don't Tell Me You Do" which April and I yelled out in unison. Scott commented that it was a good choice and added, "This is the title track off the first album. It's very sad, perfect for a record-store performance." It's amazing to see these guys perform this song live (we were about 2 feet in front of Kevin), and were surprised to see Jeff do his little solo line towards the end of the song. I did not know that Jeff did that particular line during live performance so it was quite a treat for me to see and hear him sing this line. He has quite a beautiful tenor voice. Very mellow. (*sigh* - mind is drifting...) Anyway, where was I? After the song, Scott said that they haven't sung that song in a while and were pleased that they got through it without a hitch. For their last song, they did "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" sans the VP solo, much to the disappointment of the crowd. Although there were a lot of requests from the crowd for Jeff to include his VP solo during the song, he politely declined. Scott told the audience, "Jeff is very tired and will not do the concert version of Carmen, unless you want to see the man bleed from the mouth," to which Elliott replies, "I'd pay to see that!" That got chuckles from the crowd. However, Scott did promise that if people show up at the concert the next night, they'd be in for a real treat.