
Rockapella Meet and Greet - The Lobero Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA - December 9, 2000

The scene back in the dance-studio-turned-reception-room was madness! People were milling about, trying to get a chance to talk and take pictures with each ‘pella. April and I spotted Jeff first, so we went up to him. He immediately recognized us and we exchanged pleasantries with him. He said that we looked good in earth tones (but I believe he was only referring to my cousin April, who was wearing a brown coat. I, on the other hand, was wearing all black. LOL). We asked Jeff if we could each take a picture with him. After he signed our Christmas CDs, we thanked him and then moved on to Bear, who was sportin’ his platinum blonde hair! It was incredible! I told him that he could pass for a Backstreet Boy, he laughed and said that he’s too old to be one. But I told him that any of those boy bands could use a man like him! We said bye to Bear and found Elliott who was standing next to him. Poor guy had a cold! He was so congested, I was so surprised that he was able to sing at all! He was up on stage for 3 hours (and 20 minutes for the Christmas set)! But he got through the whole taping without a hitch. Although, he told us that he was starving because he hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, and it was already close to midnight! Awww… Elliott! We tried not to monopolize his time any longer since he was feeling under-the-weather and we knew that he needed to get through the whole line of fans that were waiting to talk to him, so we said goodbye to El and looked for another ‘pella. Scott was next, and we went up to him, said hi, asked him to sign our CDs and got our pictures taken. I noticed as I was standing next to Scott getting my picture taken, I smelled hot-tamales from his breath. It wasn’t awful, I just happened to smell it from him. LOL I know, the things a person would latch on to. LOL We moved on to Kevin, and this guy immediately gave me a hug. I remembered that clearly! I was a bit surprised, but I thought it was really nice. We took our pictures with him and had our CDs signed, then we decided to go mingle with other Pellaheads. I noticed that while I walking around though, every time I ran into Kevin, he would hug me. It was weird. He ended up hugging me 3 times before the night was over! And he would initiate the hug too. It seemed like every time I was about to pass him, he would grab my hand and hug me. I kid you not! It was great though, I’m not even complaining. It was just weird. LOL Since this was a turn-around trip, we all said goodbye to our new friends, Angela, Sherry, and sisters Laura and Sarah, hopped back on our van and headed straight back to L.A. that night with wonderful memories from that night.

Rockapella Concert (PBS Special Filming) - The Lobero Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA - December 9, 2000

Wow, where do I start? I'd waited for this concert for 4 months, and you can imagine the excitement I felt when I found out that this show was going to be taped as a PBS special, live CD and a video/DVD! I knew right then and there that it was going to be something special. Earlier in the week, April and I had made plans with other Rockapella diehards to meet up in Santa Barbara and have dinner right before the show started. We arrived in SB a bit later than our proposed meeting time, but we made it and met Laura & her sister Sarah, from Las Vegas, and Angela & Sherry, from Torrance, CA. We all had a quick dinner then headed off to the theatre. We got to our assigned seats, which was 2nd to the last row, and found ourselves sitting next to one of the cameras. I was a little disappointed that we had to sit way in the back, but I just decided to get over it and have fun anyway. But, as we were starting to get settled in our seats, we saw the director of the special come up on stage and he announced that he wanted all of us to move up closer and fill in the seats that were still unoccupied (which meant that if you were late, its your bad, hah!) As soon as we heard this, April, and I, along with our friend (and new Rockapella convert) Jeremy, quickly abandoned our seats and relocated to the 3rd row on the right side of the stage (VP territory), just right behind Angela & Sherry. We knew that it was only a matter of time before wed find ourselves on our feet, dancing and cheering on our beloved Rockapella! After a couple of runs of standing O's to tape for the special and to warm up the audience, the show was ready to go underway. As the crowd started to quiet down, Scott started singing his opening line for "I Am Your Man." As soon as he walked out on stage, my jaw hit the floor! Scott looked gorgeous with his blue dress shirt, a vest, tie and black slacks. Simply breath-taking! Up next was Kevin, and I just about keeled over at the sight of him! Full-on leather babee! (We asked him later on in the evening what made him decide to go for the leather because it sure looked like he was roasting in it and was uncomfortable. He said that he wasn't going for comfort this time, he was going for the "look" and man, did he work those pants! The man has some "junk in the trunk"- haha) Soon after, the rest of the guys joined them on stage. Jeff wore a pair of shiny, black pants, with a zipper on each pant-leg, a black t-shirt and a shiny, charcoal-black overshirt with the sleeves rolled-up that flew open when he walked out on stage, he looked like he was about to fly! Bear walked out in this beautiful deep-purple suit which made him looked oh-so dignified yet hip at the same time! El was simply wearing a black dress shirt, and tan pants (no red pants, yay!). He looked so adorable! *sigh* They segued right into "Moments of You" and during Jeff's intro, the lady sitting next to me let out a "J**** C****!" and she turned to her husband and said, "that's unbelievable!" And to think, we haven't even gotten to the big solo yet! With the exception of a few songs (they voted to take "60-Minute Man," and "Don't Do It" out), Bear got to show-off his earth-shaking low range with "16 Tons" which was a great choice, and El go to do "Let's Get Away From it All" and show-off his brilliant scatting. A particularly wonderful treat for me during this song was hearing Kevin scat! This was the first time I'd ever heard them perform this song with Kev and I thought he did a great job! The time for them to pick the Pretty Woman finally came and Kevin scoped out the audience to look for his "victim" for the night, LOL. He spotted this lovely young lady named Ilia, wearing a Superman baby-tee, sitting about 2nd row from the front, in the middle section of the theater, and brought her up on stage. As he sat her on the Rockapella stool, he told her that since this was a very special show, she had to be careful not to make any sudden movements while sitting on the stool because they had rigged it so that fireworks and such would launch at the appropriate moment during the song. Kevin then proceeds to sing a song they'd just written aptly titled "Ilia" and tried to go down on one knee, which he quickly found out to be quite a difficult task, much to the audience's amusement. LOL We found out later that they had to redo the Pretty Woman segment of the show and pick another PW because of trademark infringement due to the Superman logo on Ilia's shirt. "There's only one more thing for you to do, you know what it is..." Oddly enough, it seemed like there were only about 10 people or so who knew what to respond to Scott's prompting LOL. We took another try at it and this time the whole theater responded with such enthusiasm "DO IT ROCKAPELLA!" "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" rocked the house and even the lady sitting next to me started groovin' in her seat. Little did she know what was coming up next - Jeff's solo! I made sure to watch the lady's reaction during his solo and she was totally dumb-founded! LOL It was the funniest thing! Well, I can totally understand her reaction - the man pulled out all the stops during his solo! Hey, he knew it was going to be nationally televised! He even did some turn-table scratching noises which I thought was a nice touch. What can I say? Da man is BAAAAD! ;-) Throughout the whole concert I would sing along and harmonize with the boys and at one point, the lady sitting next to me, turned to me and said, "you must know these guys!" So I said, "oh yes, I do. I've seen them in concert quite a few times." And then she says, "they're amazing!" To me, that said it all! Another proud moment! LOL Some other highlights of the night for me were: The Lion Sleeps Tonight: This is the first time I'd ever heard them sing this, live or otherwise. I didn't know they used to do this song in concert. It was such a pleasant surprise! Keep On Smilin': OH MY GOSH!!! This just completely blew me away! The last time I heard them perform this song was at the Starlight Bowl in '99 and even then I vaguely remember them doing this song at all! When each of them started to do their own thang during the VP break, I just sat there, totally in awe, I couldnt even blink. It happened so fast, I didn't even have enough time to soak everything in, it was amazing! The Christmas set: They did it especially for all of us after having done almost 3-hours-worth of taping. The guys were already tired, Scott's voice was strained, Jeff was getting restless and Kevin was completely soaked in his leather ensemble, but they stayed and entertained us. Talk about going above and beyond the call of duty! It just goes to show you how generous these guys are! Thanks Rockapella! You guys are the best!


Rockapella Meet & Greet - The Starlight Bowl, Burbank, CA - August 6, 2000

Burbank, CA. The Starlight Bowl. This day was like going full circle for April and me. It was the same venue and the same time of the year when we first saw Rockapella in concert ever. It was a very momentous occasion. The Blenders were there as well, who also double-billed with them the year before, so it was like a huge reunion for us! The year before, they didn’t have a meet and greet after the concert because the guys had to fly back to NYC for another concert the following day. April and I thought that it was going to be the same case this time, so we decided to head out when we overheard one of the workers at the Starlight Bowl and he said that the guys were coming out to sign autographs in a few minutes. As soon as we heard this, April and I rushed back and immediately stood in line right in front of the autograph table. I believe we were the first ones in line. Well, there may have been a couple of people right before us. Anyway, the guys finally emerged from backstage and situated themselves at the autograph table. First up was Scott. He was looking down so I shoved a picture that we took with them back in May for the “Eat and Greet” right under his nose. He looked at the picture then looked up, saw us and he smiled, “I remember this picture!” I said “hello” to him, and we exchanged pleasantries. He was about to sign the picture when he looked up at me and asked me how to spell my name. I looked at him and said, “aww…you don’t remember my name?” He said, “Oh, I kind of remember it. I remember that it’s unique.” And then he smiled. *sigh* Anyway, I told him what my name was and spelled it for him. He said, “That’s right! Your name is Aura.” And as he wrote my name on the picture, he said something like “I like how I write your name.” :-D That was cool. I asked him if I could get a hug and he said, “Sure!” So, he got up and gave me a huge hug. As I pulled away, he smiled and said, “It’s nice to see you again!” El was up next, he was sitting there with his big grin looking at the picture, looked up at me and said something like, “Hello. How are you?” Just had a bit of a chat with him, then I asked him for a hug. He smiled, and then he said, “I could use a hug anyday!” And he proceeded to tell me that it’s nice to get a hug especially when you’ve had a rough week. So, that was El for me. He was too cute! Bear was sitting next to El. He looked up and smiled, got up, and gave me a hug! I didn’t have to ask this time! LOL He was probably paying attention to me when I was talking to both El and Scott. LOL Sitting next to Bear was Jeff. I went up to him, but he didn’t even look at me! He just kept talking to this guy who was standing behind him with a girl. I was going to ask him for a hug, but he wasn’t paying attention, so I just took my picture and slid it over to Kevin. At this point, Kevin was looking at me with this smile on his face. I guess he noticed that I had this disappointed look on my face, like “oh well…” and I just shrugged and smiled at him. But what Kevin did next completely made my evening. Before I even got in front of him, he got up out of his seat, walked around the table and gave me a huge hug. I guess he was trying to comfort me or something because Jeff ignored me. Pathetic ol’ me eh? LOL But it was great of him(Kevin) to do that. So, I stood next to him, started chatting away while I was waiting for April to be done with getting her stuff signed by Kevin. As Kevin got up to hug April, Jeff looked over to where I was and said, “Hey! How are you?” So, I said, “I’m okay, but I didn’t get my hug yet.” (I know, sad puppy aren’t I?) He laughed and said, “Well, it will cost you $5!” I said, “5 bucks?! I got it for free last time!” So, I walked around April to get my hug. He said, “It’s good to see you.” That brought a smile to my face. (Yeah, I was like a big teenaged dork around her crush!) So, I went back and stood right next to Kevin. While Kevin and I were talking about when they were going to have their next show in So Cal, Jeff looked over to where I was standing and said, “By the way, you smell good.” I looked around to find out if he was talking to someone else, but he was talking to me, so I said, “Thanks Jeff!” And then he said, “It’s nice to get a hug from someone who doesn’t smell.” I just started laughing. Next thing I knew, Bear chimed in and said that I smelled good as well, followed by Elliott and Scott! I had to pick up my jaw off the floor! Then I looked at Kevin and he said, “Yeah, you do smell good!” So, that completely made my night! :D After we got our stuff together, we said goodbye to the guys and told them that we would see them in Santa Barbara in a few months.

Rockapella Concert - The Starlight Bowl, Burbank, CA - August 6, 2000

It had been approximately a year since I first saw Rockapella in concert at the Starlight Bowl and seeing them again in the same venue of that fateful day was like going full-circle for me. It had also been about 3 months since the Troubadour show so I was all ready to get my a cappella fix. What was also exciting was that April and I were getting to see another awesome a cappella group, The Blenders, who were also at the Bowl that previous summer. It was like a big reunion for us! (LOL) When we first got there, we found some great seats close enough to get a good view, but we later left those seats and situated ourselves right in front of the stage to get a closer view of the Boys. After gettin' our groove on during The Blenders set and having our pictures taken with them and our CDs signed, we were finally ready for our beloved Rockapella. During the opener, which was "I Am Your Man," I managed to wave hi at Bear, Kev, El and Scott. It was really cool when each of them smiled back and/or winked. I finally was able to say hi to Jeff right after they did "Use Me." I was able to catch his attention (which was hard to accomplish, btw, when he's on-stage since he's in his own little VP world most of the time) when after Barry announced that JT was "singing and drumming" at the same time, I yelled, "Yeah, Jeff! You go!" which, I think, startled him! (Sorry JT, didnt mean to give you a heart-attack there! LOL) He looked up, scoped out the crowd, and when he saw me, I waved at him and he smiled! Anyway, they did their usual concert repertoire. Especially entertaining was the "Pretty Woman" segment because the lady that they picked turned out to be a chiropractor, and as soon as the Boys found out, they all fought for a chance for a back massage from her! Kevin won out though, getting a laugh from the crowd as he grimaced in pain while she tried to crack his back. (LOL) The Boys gave a great concert, as usual, but before we even knew it, it was all over. Again, April and I decided to hang around after the show, hoping for another meet-and-greet (they didn't have one the year before because they had to fly out that night to do another concert the next day). We waited for a few minutes, but then gave up, so we decided to head out. However, on our way out, we heard one of the volunteers at the Bowl announce that the Boys will be out shortly to meet with the fans. We immediately headed back and stood in line. It was nice to be able to speak with the Boys again and it was really cool that they remembered us from the "Eat and Greet" 3 months before! I was able to get a hug from all of them, and was even able to get a "you smell good" compliment from one particular Rockapella member ;-)! (LOL) After we got all our Rocka-stuff signed, we said goodbye to the Boys and told them that we will see them in Santa Barbara.


Rockapella In-Store Performance - The Virgin Megastore, Ontario Mills, Ontario, CA - May 2, 2000

This was an extra-special day for my cousin (and fellow-Rockapellaholic) April and I. We won a call-in radio contest for an opportunity to do an "Eat-and-Greet" with Rockapella and for a chance to watch the guys in the front row to the Virgin Megastore performance afterwards. We were escorted into the store by Bob Morrison, J-Bird VP of Sales and Promotion, and walked right into "Moments of You." A good-sized crowd had already formed and Bob escorted us to the front of the stage, along with the other "Eat-and-Greet" contest winners. The guys gave an excellent performance and after doing a handful of pre-selected songs, they got the crowd involved and asked for requests. We were so delighted that the guys obliged to our request, which was "Don't Tell Me You Do" which April and I yelled out in unison. Scott commented that it was a good choice and added, "This is the title track off the first album. It's very sad, perfect for a record-store performance." It's amazing to see these guys perform this song live (we were about 2 feet in front of Kevin), and were surprised to see Jeff do his little solo line towards the end of the song. I did not know that Jeff did that particular line during live performance so it was quite a treat for me to see and hear him sing this line. He has quite a beautiful tenor voice. Very mellow. (*sigh* - mind is drifting...) Anyway, where was I? After the song, Scott said that they haven't sung that song in a while and were pleased that they got through it without a hitch. For their last song, they did "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" sans the VP solo, much to the disappointment of the crowd. Although there were a lot of requests from the crowd for Jeff to include his VP solo during the song, he politely declined. Scott told the audience, "Jeff is very tired and will not do the concert version of Carmen, unless you want to see the man bleed from the mouth," to which Elliott replies, "I'd pay to see that!" That got chuckles from the crowd. However, Scott did promise that if people show up at the concert the next night, they'd be in for a real treat.


Rockapella "Eat & Greet" with KLOS Radio contest winners - Dave & Buster's, Ontario Mills, Ontario, CA - May 2, 2000

My first meeting with Rockapella was a very memorable one. My cousin April and I won a chance to meet the guys and have a late lunch with them from a local radio show here in Los Angeles. There were 10 chances up for grabs and my cousin and I got the last 2. We were completely excited to meet them for the very first time, we were simply out of our minds! We were to meet the guys at the Dave & Buster’s at Ontario Mills Mall in Ontario, CA around 2pm. So, my cousin and I made a mad dash through the 10 Fwy to get to Ontario Mills. We met a fellow Rockapella fan, Tiffany, who also won a chance to meet the guys, and she brought along her daughter, Alex. So, the 4 of us waited in the lobby when Bob Morrison, VP of Sales and Promotion of J-Bird Records (Rockapella’s former label), came and escorted us to where the guys were. They had set up a small private area (where they usually have the pool tables) for Rockapella and the contest winners to walk around and mingle. The first Pella man that approached us was Kevin. You can imagine how nervous I was so when he approached us, I just gave him a quick smile, said “hi” and walked away. Brilliant move on my part, eh? *smacks forehead* I felt a little flushed after that brief encounter with Kevin, especially after acting like a complete dork, which my cousin, up to this day, would not let me forget. It was quite overwhelming to know that all 5 Pellas were within close proximity of you and that you would have to eventually interact with each one of them at some point in the afternoon. I wanted to redeem myself and searched for another Pella, Scott in particular, to talk to. However, when we found Scott, he was surrounded by a few people and there was no way we were going to have a conversation with him at that time. So, we decided to check out the table of hors d’eourves that they had set out for us to enjoy. As we got to the table, we saw Kevin again. Thinking I've been given a second chance to make a first impression, I gathered up the courage to talk to him and get a conversation going. As he came up to us, he extended his hand out to shake mine and introduced himself. After my cousin April and I have made our own introductions, I asked him the only question that I could really think of at the time. I asked him if he really played Marius in Les Miserables. He said that he did and it was one of the most wonderful experiences he’s had in his life. He also mentioned that he played opposite Debbie Gibson, who played Eponine. I asked how it was to work with Debbie, a former pop-star, half-expecting some kind of a sarcastic, cynical response. But he said that it was great, and that she died in his arms every night, and that’s how they fell in love!!! Needless to say, I had to lift my jaw up off the floor. That completely blindsided me and I didn’t know how to respond. I barely remembered the rest of our conversation with Kevin at that point after he had dropped that bombshell on us (well, at least to me it was!). We did talk about his family, his wife Amy and Grace (no, Hope yet. She was still a “bun in the oven”, so-to-speak). After excusing himself to walk about and meet other winners, we immediately looked for Scott. I had such a huge crush on Scott at the time, I was absolutely anxious to talk to him. Alas! When we found him, he was all by his lonesome, so April and I rushed over to where he was and started chatting him up. I was immediately drawn in, and was completely impressed on how composed and mild-mannered he was. He had the nicest speaking voice I’ve ever heard (with the exception of Jeff Thacher, of course). There he was, standing in front of me, my musical sensei, Scott-san. I don’t remember most of the conversation that we had with him, but I remember April asking him if they still kept in touch with the Carmen gang, and he said that he had recently spoken with Greg Lee at one of their shows in the West coast some time earlier that year. That was pretty much all I got from Scott because somehow, I was quickly left out of the conversation when a guy, one of the other radio contest winners, joined in on our conversation. So, Scott ended up talking to this guy and my cousin, while I found myself just standing in the middle of the room, with my plate of hors d’eourves and no one to talk to. I went over to the table to sit down and eat. I was about to set my plate down when, the next thing I knew, a shadow was kind of hovering over me. I looked up, and there was Jeff, smiling at me. I turned to him and he extended his hand to shake mine and introduced himself to me. I shook his hand and introduced myself and he commented that I have a very pretty name. I wasn’t with him alone long however because my cousin had joined us at this point. So, we chatted for a bit with Jeff. He asked where we were from, and what we did to win the contest. We told him that we were thinking of doing the rhythm part of “One Day After Day”, with April on bass and I was going to do VP. But we never go to do it, since they were running out of time during the radio show, so they just told us that we had won. He asked if we were in an a cappella group. I told him that we were a singing group but not an a cappella group. However, we mentioned that we do some a cappella pieces now and then. I told him that mostly sing contemporary Christian songs. He thought that was interesting and kept asking us if we wrote our own songs or have recorded any cds at all. We had quite an informative conversation with Jeff, as it was mostly about music and singing. I noticed that I got particularly chatty when we were talking to Jeff. I kept answering his questions. I don’t know why, but I guess he made me particularly comfortable so I kept gabbing away. At this point, one of the staff from the radio station KLOS asked all the contest winners to pose for a picture with the Pella guys. I remember Jeff came over and stood next to me, rather close, and I kept thinking, “This guy’s kinda cute.” LOL I think that’s when my infatuation with him started (Yes, I was a Jeff girl. I still am, a little bit. *winks*). After getting our group pictures taken, my cousin and I found Barry and we had an awesome time talking with him. He was chatty that afternoon too. He talked about everything he could think of, his family background, school and ex-girlfriends. I noticed that he was holding a beer bottle, so that might have something to do with why he was particularly chatty. LOL I asked him about his experience at Juilliard (one of my dream schools). He said that it was a great experience, but the atmosphere was competitive and went on about how the suicide rate is really high because the fact that the students are so competitive, they put so much pressure on themselves to excel that they buckle under pressure. Sad, isn't it? He told us that when he started going to Juilliard, it was for French horn and not singing. Eventually, he took some voice classes (or switched majors, I can’t remember which), but his voice professor had something against him, I guess, because he told Barry that his voice was awful and that he would do the world a favor if he stopped singing! I was shocked that this professor was so awful and I felt sorry for Bear, but Bear just shrugged it off and said, “Oh well. He’s dead now.” I guess that was Bear’s ultimate revenge. :\ One thing I noticed during our 20-minute conversation with Bear was that Jeff kept walking around us, and I couldn’t help but look every time he approached. It was a little distracting and a bit confusing. He kept smiling and/or making faces at me, it was kind of cute and creepy at the same time. haha It’s hard to explain why I thought it was creepy, but I’ll just leave it at that. (Sorry Jeff. But I don't think you're creepy anymore!) Anyway, talking to Bear was one of the highlights of the afternoon for me, he just had a lot to say that were interesting and very amusing. Oh, and by the way, he said not to take ATA Airlines because they either lose your luggage or they get left out in the rain. LOL Elliott was the last Pella guy we talked to and I just found myself completely intimidated by him! I think it was his smile. That killer smile *sigh*. I kept staring at him the whole time, he probably thought I was some kind of weirdo. LOL He reminded me so much of this guy I had a crush on my freshman year in university. I didn’t get to say much to Elliott, I just stood there like a nervous little schoolgirl. LOL He was cute! Actually, the word “cute” is a total understatement when it comes to Elliott. He’s just simply adorable!!! After talking to Elliott, it was time for us to take out our CDs and videos and have them signed by the guys. Jeff was the only one who wasn’t occupied at the time, so we went up to him and asked him to sign the items that we brought. Jeff was a little taken aback and was somewhat amused by how much stuff we brought along with us. LOL After he had signed everything, I asked him if he could teach us how to do the “sleigh bells”. So, he motioned me to lean forward and get closer. The next thing I knew, he was leaning forward to get close to me and his lips were like 2 inches away from my ear, doing the sleigh bells! I almost passed out! Hello?! LOL Can you imagine Jeff Thacher’s lips 2 inches away from your face?! LOL I can still feel his warm breath in my ear! My cousin told me that when she was looking, it looked like it was happening in slow motion from her point of view. LOL Oh man…It was great! Anyway, when I regained my composure, I reminded him that I didn’t want to “hear” the sleigh bells, I wanted to “see” how it’s done. That was quite an interesting situation with Mr. Thacher. One of the most memorable ones I’ve had for sure… heehee. We took our individual pictures with the guys and one group shot as well, and then they were whisked away to the Virgin Megastore which was adjacent to Dave and Buster’s, to do their in-store performance, while the contest winners were left behind to continue eating and mingling. Just a few minutes later, Bob Morrison came and walked us over to the Virgin Megastore and escorted us to the front of the make-shift stage the guys were standing on. I was standing right in front of Kevin, who was within arm’s length. We were so close that I think during "Don't Tell Me You Do", Kevin heard us singing BGVs which caused him to look down and smile at me. Cute. :) After their set, they had a CD signing. April and I were contemplating on whether we should just wait until everyone in line had their CDs signed to say goodbye to the fellas or not, but when one of the workers found out that we were 2 of the contest winners, he had us cut in front of the line so we could say goodbye to the boys. Once we got to the table where they sat, Jeff beamed and said, “Hey, I know you!” Funny. Of course, he had just met us a couple of hours before at the meet and greet so I would be incredibly surprised (and disappointed for that matter!) if he had forgotten us already. ;) Scott was sitting next to Jeff, and tried to remember each of our names, surprised that he got my name right and even spelled it out correctly. haha Scott’s great. He thought that my name was interesting. :) After working our way down the line, we waved back to the guys and told them that we would see them again the next day at the Troubadour. As we walked away, I heard Jeff yell out “It was nice to meet you.” So I turned around, waved and smiled at him. *sigh* Cute huh? heehee. You gotta love Jeff. What a way to end the day!