
Trying to stay awake...

For the 3rd consecutive day, work has been painfully slow. I’m falling asleep as I type this. My eyelids are getting heavier by the second. I’ve been reading, but reading is making me more sleepy. I need to stay awake, I have an hour and a half left ’til I have to go. John Legend’s
keeping me entertained somewhat, he’s part of my regular iTunes rotation here at work.

All the piano playing around me is lulling me to sleep! I need to stay awake. I’ve been getting phone calls from those automated tele-marketers and it’s really starting to get annoying. I don’t know what brought the sleepiness on, given the fact that I slept considerably early last night (that is, 1:30am - haha!). But then, my mom woke me up really early (6am) to ask me something, and I couldn’t go back to sleep after that. *sigh*

Anyway, I’m looking forward to this weekend. I’m going to Oceanside/San Diego area to spend time with my Papuri girls. Just a weekend to relax and reconnect with friends. Much needed, I must say. My ”usual” environment has been a less-than desirable place to be in lately, to say the least, and for quite a number of reasons. I’m not hating it, I’m just not as comfortable as I used to be. But the Lord’s helping me deal with whatever issue I’m having with that at the moment, and He’s continuing to teach me to just let things go. I’ve been getting heavily into the Word lately, and God’s just revealing things to me, one right after the other. He knows exactly what you need to hear/learn, and when you need to hear/learn it. Maybe when I’m more coherent (and awake), I’ll share more about what God’s been teaching me.

John Mayer’s putting me to sleep! Argh! haha Don’t get me wrong, I love him, but this song is just too slooooowwww…. *yawn*

I’m back to drinking Starbucks today! haha For the past 3 days I’ve been drinking Coffee Bean’s iced mocha latte’. I know, shameful! “How could you?!” you say. I know, I know. But today, it’s Starbucks anew. You’ll always go back to your first love. (haha)