

I have a new crush! His name is Bear Grylls and he’s the presenter of Discovery Channel’s Man vs. Wild. He’s mad! I heart him.

Anyway, saw 300 on Sunday night (and last night as well), and it’s quite the movie. The cinematography is fantastic. Very graphic, violent and gory though, so it’s not for the faint of heart. And I’ve never seen 8-packs until I saw this movie! Kinda inspires you to hit the gym (and stare at people - haha). Well-cast and well-acted for the most part. Lots of people don’t realize that the actor who plays King Leonidas, Gerard Butler, is the same actor who played the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera. David “Daisy” Wenham (Faramir in LOTR) and Michael Fassbender (Pat Christensen in Band of Brothers) are in it too and are fabulous in their roles. There always has to be a LOTR/BOB connection, isn’t there? haha