
My family left me… :(

Well, my family (including my mom) have gone off and boarded a boat to go on a 4-day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico…WITHOUT ME! *tears* So, I’m basically home alone.

Boredom sets in so, I’m doing a survey.

Who was the last person you . . .

1. You hung out with?
There were 3 people – Chiz, Aud & Loogie (hehe)

2. Rode in the car with

3. Went to the movies with?
Newie (we saw “Happy Feet”)

4. Went to the mall with?

5. You talked on the phone to?
My uncle (Pastor Joe or P - Joey)

6. Made you laugh?

7. Last person you told and/or they told you they loved you?
My mom

Would You Rather . . .

1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
Nose. It’s hard to sing with a pierced tongue.

2. Be serious or be funny?
Funny, with moments of seriousness.

3.Drink whole or skim milk?

4. Die in a fire or get shot?
Neither. But if I have to go, probably get shot, it’s faster. haha

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
Parental units

Answer Truthfully . . .

1. Do you like anyone?
My lips are sealed.

2. Sun or moon?

3. Winter or Fall?
Fall. Actually, I prefer Spring, I think it’s the most beautiful time of year.

4. left or right?

5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends?
2 bestfriends

6. Sunny or rainy?

7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
Mix them together

About You . . .

1. What time is it?

2. First Name?

3. Where do you wanna live?

4. How many kids do you want?
2 (a boy and a girl)

5. Do you want to get married?
Of course, Lord-willing!

6. Do you cook?
Yes, I do.

7. Current mood?
bored, but upbeat

In The Past 24 Hours Have You . . .

1. Sang?
yes, in the car on the way to work

2. Been hugged?
yes – ma mere

3. Felt stupid?
always! haha

4. Missed someone?

5. Danced Crazy?

7. Cried?

8. Lied?

Just Answer . . .

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops??

2. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding?
a very long time ago

3. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
as of now, I’d rather sleep alone.

4. Do you consider yourself creative?
at times.