

Today could be chalked up as one of the more exhausting days I've had. Thank God for coffee… kept me running all day. Although, I think I hit the wall sometime around 3pm, that's when I got off work. Uncle GG, Auntie Lanie and my mom came and picked me up and we made our way to Palmdale to join a Bible study that our church, Olive Christian, had started a couple of months ago. I managed to get a quick shut-eye on the way, as it took about an hour and 20 minutes to get to where the Bible study was supposed to be held at. We arrived at the hosts' house pretty quickly, and after Babie and Christine got there a few minutes later, we all headed over to the house across the street to lead the Bible study for their high school group. It got off to a shaky start (well, at least to me it did) but it eventually turned into a really good forum. The kids that we met with were really cool, really responsive and had a lot of things to share. It was a real blessing to actually meet with them and sort of get them started with their Bible study over there. They liked having BS so much that when we were called back to the other house for snacks, they didn't want to go! They didn't want our sharing time to end! That really encouraged me - to hear that these young people, whose ages ranged from 12-16 by the way, wanted to keep going with our sharing time. One kid, his name is Jason, even commented that having it (Bible study) is so much better than playing basketball or throwing a football around outside while waiting for the adults to be done with their Bible study. We encouraged them to bring their friends next time and they said that they will. Awesome! Praise God! I totally forgot about feeling tired after meeting with them. Please keep these kids in your prayers, and pray for us as we help them get their Bible study started.

Listening to: m-pact's "Live at the Triple Door" disc 2
Thinking: I should get some sleep
Wearing: my usual sleepwear - sweats, and my Winnie the Pooh sleeping socks (it's freezing in here!)

Good night!