
Conscious incompetence.

I feel like I just can never get it right. I like to lead Bible study, I really do. It just feels like I’m not cut out for it, like I don’t have the gift to teach, you know? I don’t know. It’s a little frustrating sometimes. Perhaps I don’t prepare for it as much as I should, or I just get really nervous, that I develop performance-anxiety when I actually have to lead Bible study. *sigh* I guess I haven’t really tapped into that as much as I should, and I’m just actually starting to get the hang of it. It’s still a little bit nerve-wracking because I’m not the most eloquent person out there, I still falter a bit about what to say. I fumble for words, but I really want to get the message across. I guess I’ll just have to keep at it. Like they say, whoever “they” are, “practice makes perfect”. I’ll do my best for Him and I just hope that He blesses my efforts. I am excited about our new book study though. “Life as a Vapor”… It seems like everyone’s reading that book for their Bible study these days. Jeremy just told us that his cell group is going to be using that book as well. I pray that these coming weeks will be faith-stretching, and through this book and our constant reading of the Word, we’ll be able to understand living life to the utmost for Christ every single day. Live life to magnify Christ!

Ant, the “blessing” that I posted about on my previous entry had to do with my finances. It’s not what I think you’re thinking…LOL


This entry is the result of my dinner conversation with Audrey…LOL

Things to do this year:
(DISCLAIMER: These aren’t life-altering, but they’re just something that I would like to do, if time and budget permit.)

  • Go on a road trip
  • Go to New York (for my birthday perhaps?)
  • Get a massage/go to a spa
  • Work on my songs
  • Take a class
  • Finish reading one of the books that I’d actually started last year
  • Do something “outdoorsy”
  • Learn a different language (i.e. French)
  • Take up crocheting (again!)
  • Visit some place I’ve never been to before

If I get to do any of these things this year, cool. If not, oh well, it’s not a matter of “life-or-death”… LOL

Fish Fest is in April this year…Weird… OK, that was random.

Good night!