
A long overdue update.

It has been a very stressful 2 weeks. Things have unraveled that sent me on a tailspin. Even though the events that have transpired within the past 2 weeks didn’t happen to me directly, I am still affected by it. To be honest, I’m really confused by the whole thing. It’s so hard because I’m getting different information from two different parties. I have tried to look at the situation objectively, and I understand both sides now. However, I don’t want to participate anymore in backbiting or blame game. There’s a bigger task at hand and I am more interested in helping the suffering party heal and move on. I understand that it will take a while, and I am willing to help as much as I can to help them cope. I understand their situation, and I just think that what has been done to them could’ve been handled differently and in a more gracious manner.

God called us to be peacemakers. That was the topic of my devotion this morning, oddly enough. But I know that it’s not coincidence that I read that particular devotion today. It’s very appropriate for the situation that I’m somewhat involved in right now. The passage was taken from 1 Samuel 25:14-25. It’s the story of Abigail, Nabal’s wife. If it weren’t for her courage, the future King David could’ve committed a terrible sin against her husband Nabal. It is a sin that should not be committed because Nabal’s actions were foolish. Realizing that Nabal’s actions were foolish, she took it upon herself to resolve the conflict between David and Nabal. She prevented Nabal from being killed and David from committing murder. And because of what she had done, David realized that she had spared him from “carrying out a vengeful decision” as it were, and he praised God.

The question that we are to ask ourselves is, are we as quick to resolve a conflict? My prayer is that we are, and not let the spirit of bitterness and revenge penetrate our hearts, which will prevent us from sinning. I know that we (and you know who you are) will be able to get pass this with God’s help and we will be able to continue the ministry that He has blessed us with.

On to other matters…

For those who know about the Papuri concert on Father’s Day, June 20th, I just want to let you know that the concert has been cancelled. We have not decided yet if we are going to reschedule, but we will keep you posted (those who knew about it of course).

NBA Finals! It’s between the Lakers and the Pistons. It’s brings me back to the early ‘90s when L.A. and Detroit’s rivalry was at its peak. Isiah (yes, that’s how he spells his name) and Magic on the court playing against each other was pure showtime! I know that the Lakers will win this, but I’m secretly rooting for the Pistons (haha, I’m gonna get a beating for this! LOL).

Oh, I finally saw Troy. I was a little bit disappointed. The cinematography wasn’t impressive as I had hoped. I was expecting breath-taking battle scenes. The only scene that I really liked was the ‘panning-out’ camera shot of the 1,000 ships on the Aegean. Brad Pitt was Brad Pitt. I can never get into the character of Achilles because I see Brad Pitt on-screen and I think “it’s Brad Pitt playing Achilles”. Sean Bean (King Odysseus) was brilliant as usual. I sighed every time I saw him on screen, LOL. Orlando’s character Paris was a major wuss, but he sort of redeemed himself at the end however. LOL So, no, I did not hate Orlando that much…haha! LOL The guy who played King Agammemnon was over the top! He was a good baddie! LOL Diane Kruger (a.k.a. ‘Helen of Troy’) was a little too stoic for me. I didn’t believe that she was madly in-love with Paris at all. I thought Saffron Burrows (Andromache) was a whole lot prettier than she is. She could’ve been ‘Helen’ (but too tall for Paris, hehe). Okay, that was my movie commentary for the day. Next movie I want to see if The Day After Tomorrow.

Well, that is all for now. Until next entry.